Favorite Borknagar Album

the archaic course was the first one i heard so i'm very partial to it. with that said i had to buy a 2nd copy of empiricism because the first was played so much (loved on, moved twice, lost under the seat of my car for several months, pepsi spilled on...*ahem*)

is this like asking parent to pick favorite child? somewhat. borknagar, go mow the lawn. borknagar, take out the trash. borknagar.. clean your room.

ugh! i give and i give and i give. wash behind you ears borknagar :)
I'da haveta saya Quintessence...a ... just cos of the triple layered vocals in The Presence is Ominous.. man I loce that.. and well.. it was the first 'nagar album I bought, after becoming obsessed with Ad Noctum.
I'd rank the 4 I've heard something like

1. Epic
2. Quintessence
3. The Olden Domain
4. The Archaic Course

But I got Archaic Course just a few days ago and it always takes several listens for me to start liking an album.

Hmhm, guess I'll need to get Empiricism too if everyone likes it so much. And Vintersorg is my fav Borknagar singer too.
Unfortunately, I'm only familiar with four of the albums and none of Vortex's! I've just realised what a travesty that is and shall be ordering them shortly.

1. Epic
2. Borknagar
3. Empericism
4. The Olden Domain

This looks pretty silly because it appears that I don't rate The Olden Domain, but in fact I love that album almost as much as the others!