Favorite song

I don't have one, but a couple:

The Presence Is Ominous
The Winterway
The Dawn Of The End
The Eye Of Oden
Oceans Rise
The Witching Hour
Ad Noctum
Gods Of My World
Soul Sphere
Inherit The Earth
The Stellar Dome
Vintervredets Tjelsagn (spelling? :D )
Colossus without a doubt in my mind.

But I have loads of other faves as well....
Whenever I listen to any of their albums
I'm like "this song is SOOO great, it must
be the best one", until the next song
comes on, then I've changed my mind...
Which is a good thing, it means that I find
all the Borknagar songs to be fantastic! :o)
Universal! I think it might be one of the greatest songs ever written....The riffs are so epic, and the vocal lines/melodies are the most emotional and chilling I have ever heard...(IIIIIIIII can tame all fire...)

It's unnatural I tell you!:spin:
Oh yeah, as already said, it is hard to choose one song as your favourite, but I would have to say that my favourites are:

The Witching Hour
Fields of Long Gone Presence
A Tale of Pagan Tongue
and Winter Millenium.

I cant forget The Witching Hour, because that is the first Borknagar song that I ever heard.

And of course, Oceans Rise, Dawn of the End, Colossus and The Eye of Odin are all classics.

Dam, I have gone and put too many in :lol: That first list of 5 are probably my favourites though :spin: