Favorite Borknagar Album

requiem said:
Unfortunately, I'm only familiar with four of the albums and none of Vortex's! I've just realised what a travesty that is and shall be ordering them shortly.

1. Epic
2. Borknagar
3. Empericism
4. The Olden Domain

This looks pretty silly because it appears that I don't rate The Olden Domain, but in fact I love that album almost as much as the others!

Yeah do that, shame on you! ;-)
Innipunn said:
1. Borknagar
2. The Olden Domain
3. The Archaic Course
4. Quintessence
5. Empiriscism
6. Epic

I understand that you meant the other way around..hehehe

mr V
The Archaic Course it's Party metal!!! The Olden Domain was my first:blush:, Borkanagar i just cant listen the entire album, Quintessence it's starting to like, and Epic it's starting to dislike.. not because of Mr.V (¡The Focusing Blur esta buenisimo!:rock: ) I dont know why...
all material of borknagar is brutal for me, but quintessence and empiricism are the best. maybe empiricism is better; the technical, sound, brutality, lyrics... but the old era of borknagar is so good, don't stop to listen it!!!