I just don't get The Archaic Course and The Olden Domain


Dec 2, 2002
Chicago, IL
I have the last four Borknagar albums, and I love Quintessence, and I love Empiricism even more. But I just don't get the other two. I kinda like them, but they haven't clicked with me. Is this the case with anyone else?
Hmm I really don't see how you couldn't like them.. Dawn of the End and Oceans Rise are two of their best songs IMO.. not to mention the other greats on those cd's. They'll grow on you if you listen to them enough.
It depends of your music taste... I don't have Olden Domain (yet), but I think AC isn't their best album. I don't like it (except Ad Noctum), My favourite album is of course Empiricism.
Yes, it definitelty depends on the individual. I would class The Archaic Course and Quintessence as pretty much my favourites, mainly because it was the first stuff that I heard and I liked it straight away. I think that after hearing these I enjoyed the earlier albums more. Empiricism took a lot longer for me to get used to, but now I really like it. One day all of a sudden I just listened to it again and thought that it was brilliant and how did I miss that before.

Anyway, my point is that it might take a few listens or something. I certainly am glad that I listened to Empiricism a few times, cause now I think it is great.
I have Empiricism and Olden Domain...they both rock, I like Empiricism better though. Olden Domain is definitely harder to get into, but truly a great album.
Hmp, my first 2 albums were OD and AC, so I am bit biased I guess, since I didn't first like Quintessence when I got it, but now I like that one as well, just took a few more listens.
Of course I don't have Borknagar or Empiricism yet, but I should get them on the 25th or so, depending on Swamp Music (fi) and if they get the new Katatonia on the 21st...

I do have to mention that I also own and love all Vintersorg albums, except for Ödemarkens Son, which I been lazy about... one can only stand so much swedish if one can't understand it heehh
The Olden Domain was the hardest for me to get into. It took about a year for that album to really click for me. But once it did I really loved it. All of their other albums on the other hand, immediately grabbed my attention, and I loved them all first time I heard them. Archaic Course was especially easy to get into. Just listen to the vocal melodies on that album!!
I have all of Borknagar's albums. I must say that the more progressive they have gotten, the more I enjoy them. I think Olden Domain and Borknagar are great albums. I think they sort of went downhill on Archiac Course annd Vortex did not reach the potential I would have liked for the album. The only track I really like is Oceans Rise. I liked Quintessence a lot and it sort added a heavier and darker feel to their sound. Empiricism is my favorite though. I feel it really strips them down to what they can truly do as songwriters. They really found their niche with this one I believe that sets them apart from the blackmetal/vikingmetal group they used to fit so snug inside.