Is it my DI or my reamping thats the problem


Jan 13, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
Hey guys

This is following on to a comment from Ermz about a mix of mine on the reamp section. He is right about my guitar sound being wierd. I have grabbed a short section of DI and reamped it through the 3 amps i have and i was hoping you guys might be able to tell me if it is the DI or my reamping technique thats the issue.

The DI was my ESP Alexi with emg 81 - focusrite liquid 56. New strings, batteries, etc.

DI Link: Test.wav

The reamping was DI - TSE808 - Out of focusrite - Radial ProRMP - Amp - Dummy Load - Focusrite In - Impulse. No eq at all.

Here are the reamps
6260: Reamp Test.wav
333: Reamp Test.wav
Rev Jr: Jr Reamp Test.wav

If it my DI's i will retracking again, otherwise i will have to visit my settings on the amps? I have the output level of the focusrite set to the same of the original DI before i add the TSE808 so im pretty sure i have the levels right. This is my first crack at reamping as i only just got a reamp box finally so im not sure what the issue is.


Hey guys

This is following on to a comment from Ermz about a mix of mine on the reamp section. He is right about my guitar sound being wierd. I have grabbed a short section of DI and reamped it through the 3 amps i have and i was hoping you guys might be able to tell me if it is the DI or my reamping technique thats the issue.

The DI was my ESP Alexi with emg 81 - focusrite liquid 56. New strings, batteries, etc.

DI Link: Test.wav

The reamping was DI - TSE808 - Out of focusrite - Radial ProRMP - Amp - Dummy Load - Focusrite In - Impulse. No eq at all.

Here are the reamps
6260: Reamp Test.wav
333: Reamp Test.wav
Rev Jr: Jr Reamp Test.wav

If it my DI's i will retracking again, otherwise i will have to visit my settings on the amps? I have the output level of the focusrite set to the same of the original DI before i add the TSE808 so im pretty sure i have the levels right. This is my first crack at reamping as i only just got a reamp box finally so im not sure what the issue is.



If you are using a PRO 40 or any of the focusrite preamp that dont have a built in AMP for the headphone section you need to CRANK the Focusrite to FULL VOLUME when you send it to your amp. If you run it any less you are not sending the full signal of the DI to the amp.

I crank my master volume on my interface then just turn down the DAW in Saffire Mix Control to a tolderable volume along with the input fader. This DOES NOT affect the amount of signal being sent to your DAW from the microphone.
I set my level by plugging the ProRMP output back into one of the instrument inputs on the focusrite, with the pad engaged to make it the same level as the original di - which also had the pad engaged. Is this incorrect?

I am using the pre amp out/line out/fx send into an impule (spres8 in this case) so im assuming it must be my amp settings causing excessive fizz. I tried using the recommended settings from the 5150 processing thread on the 6260 as they are similar amps. I guess i'll keep playing.

I also tried using similar settings to the ones guru posted on that Krank/Jet City comparison thread for the Krank in this clip too. Most of the 333 knobs were around 12 oclock, or thereabouts, with the gain about 10.


Now that I am home on my studio monitors the only thing I hear is some clipping. Sounds like you are clipping the input on the Focusrite when you are coming back in. If the meters are going anywhere pas the green on the leds turn it down. You only want the extremely occasional peak into the yellow.

Try re-amping my way and see if its any better.
Cheers for all the advice guys

I'm pretty sure its not clipping back in, was only the bottom 2 leds lighting from memory but i will double check it when i get back home.

I'm not sure how the original DI could make it into the new recording, but i will double check that also.


Cheers mate, it looks like something i mustve done with the di's originally that is the problem. I reamped some other stuff last night and it came out good. Guess its time to bust out some new strings and track again.

