Is it possible to...


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Copy and paste Mick Wall's liner notes from the enhanced Maiden CDs, then save them as a rich text file?

I'm working on my 7th Son article just now, and I'd prefer to avoid putting the CD in the computer every time I need to look up a quote.

You could have the liner notes from the cd up on screen. and then on your keyboard, press the 'PRINT SCREEN' button, which will take a snapshot of whatever is on your screen at that point in time.
Then you can go into photoshop or some similar program and open a new file... then PASTE. The snapshot of your screen that you took when you pressed the PRINT SCREEN button will be pasted into the photoshop document. You wont be able to edit the text or anything, but you can save the image as a GIF or BITMAP... You wont have to put the cd in every time to read it, all you will have to do is open the pic.

Dunno if that made sense, or if it was even the info you were after, but fuck it!