i went straight to Heroine Hero
I think the boy's got talent! (But aren't all parents supposed to say that?)
I've heard many an actual guitar player say that they cannot play this game due to the fact that it is nothing like where your fingers should actually be positioned if you would really wanted to play any of the songs on the game. I don't know personally, but I would imagine that the more you train your fingers to play for color/hand/eye coordination purposes for a video game, the harder it would be to re-train your hands to learn the actual positioning for notes and chords on a real guitar to make music.
I realize Guitar Hero is just a game, but someone should make "The REAL Guitar Hero" where you actually plug in a real guitar and actually play music. Then they can start having real competitions for folks to win money, instead of all this crap of people playing a video game and winning more money than a house band makes in one night.[Ok, sorry, END RANT]
I would imagine that the better you are at playing an actual guitar, the more it is second nature for you to want to move your fingers like you would actually play a particular song when you hear that song, regardless of what the colors on a screen are telling your hand to do. (I expect a person who plays real guitar to look more realistic playing "air guitar" for this very reason - their hands/fingers are trained to move in the proper ways.) One of the guys that I spoke to that had this sort of trouble with Guitar Hero, knows how to play guitar, bass, and drums and is pretty proficient in all of them.That's just ridiculous. I've been playing since GH1(most times with other musicians) and this is the first I've heard of it messing with someone's ability to play a real guitar. And, if that were the case, perhaps they weren't too good to begin with.
Where is the rationale behind getting upset at people playing a video game because it somehow negatively affects real musicians? It's not like they're stealing fans or anything.
I would imagine that the better you are at playing an actual guitar, the more it is second nature for you to want to move your fingers like you would actually play a particular song when you hear that song, regardless of what the colors on a screen are telling your hand to do. (I expect a person who plays real guitar to look more realistic playing "air guitar" for this very reason - their hands/fingers are trained to move in the proper ways.) One of the guys that I spoke to that had this sort of trouble with Guitar Hero, knows how to play guitar, bass, and drums and is pretty proficient in all of them.
I've heard many an actual guitar player say that they cannot play this game due to the fact that it is nothing like where your fingers should actually be positioned if you would really wanted to play any of the songs on the game. I don't know personally, but I would imagine that the more you train your fingers to play for color/hand/eye coordination purposes for a video game, the harder it would be to re-train your hands to learn the actual positioning for notes and chords on a real guitar to make music.
I've heard many an actual guitar player say that they cannot play this game due to the fact that it is nothing like where your fingers should actually be positioned if you would really wanted to play any of the songs on the game.
I can confirm this. Rock Band isn't any better.
Now as for GH dulling your ability on real guitar, that's only about .. oh .. 5% true for me. After a GH session, my hands are used to that abominable strum bar; but after a good 5 minutes with a real pick, I'm back into real-axe-mode.
Same with the fret hand: a couple o' runs through a scale and some arpeggios and those fingers are happy to go vertical again!
So! I wouldn't let GH-to-guitar transitions be an issue![]()
Rock band is awesome...that's all I can say.
For one thing, it doesn't smell bad.