Is Josh Seipp...

New Sleep

Searching For Satellites
Feb 1, 2005
... The Hadal Layer? I mean... am I supposed to know this already? Am I... completely wrong? All I know is that Josh's name is... well... Josh and the guitarist for The Hadal Layer is named Josh. See where I'm heading here? I mean I could be smart and find where exactly 'Baltimore' is and see if it matches up with the location of 'New York, New York' given on myspace, but this is the internet... I'm saving my all my intelligence for ... .... ummmm.... :Spin: OMFG IT'S SPINNING AHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAA AHA A HAHAH LOOK AT IT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! IT WONT STOP H AAH AHAH AHA HHA AHAHAAAA!!!!!!!11
hahahaha what??

Baltimore is about 3.5 hours south of NY

ummmm I love their pictures (nice gulper eel) but this doesn't really sound like something I'd do.

All I had to work with was the first name Josh. I like the song and they added me on Myspace + Toby and Mia are on 'his' friends list. Thought I'd ask ;)
I'm so confused I slept like 2 hours last night cause kitties were running on my face



yes I like this too. the heavy guitar coud sound better but it's a good song.

I agree

It was the first time someone added me to there list in a while so I got all excited it was someone interesting. Oh well, it's not my fault my music is too arty and good for everyone and therefore they boycott me Van Dyke Parks style