Is Pokémon Evil?


Dec 15, 2010
Thanks to Arkatox in another thread for his comments on home schooling.

...people often believe things (in absolute) that are totally wrong just because their over-protective parents told them, making them very biased and ignorant. Just a couple examples, things such as the idea Harry Potter or Pokemon are demonic. I can maaaaaaybe understand HP, but still, it's utterly ridiculous all that I've seen and heard from over-protected kids.

So, what about Pokémon?

I have wasted something like 2000 hours of my life playing 12 different Pokémon games over the past 12 years.

In some of these games there are statues of god-like Pokémon, some of whom are credited with the creation of the Pokémon universe; violence in battles between Pokémon is encouraged and rewarded; one of the attacks which can be used is the move "curse"; and to top it all off, the whole Pokémon concept revolves around proving theories of evolution.

I suspect that most home school teachers know less about Pokémon than I do, but maybe they're onto something.

Any thoughts?
I wish...

After sending dozens of letters to Gamefreak asking for blood to be added in the games as well as gory accidents and maybe a nip or two in the cutscenes I finally gave up on the idea of Pokemon being fun in the adult way.
Thank you Aletheus. Glad I made you laugh.
But no. I've never even heard of Postal or Fallout 3. Sorry.

Yoykex, this was in response to a discussion on the "Introducing People to Theocracy" thread, where it was observed that some home schooled kids are being told that metal music, Harry Potter and Pokémon are demonic. I bothered to post it because I care what my wholesome metal loving friends think about things other than metal (which is allowed on this forum).

And re your sig:
If morons are permitted to vote for morons, the world will soon be ruled by morons. Oh wait...
Yoykex, this was in response to a discussion on the "Introducing People to Theocracy" thread, where it was observed that some home schooled kids are being told that metal music, Harry Potter and Pokémon are demonic. I bothered to post it because I care what my wholesome metal loving friends think about things other than metal (which is allowed on this forum).

I see. It just seemed to be a bit far off-topic...
I know somebody who believes that "Pokemon" means "little demon" in Japanese, just because that's what their parents told them, I guess to convince them Pokemon demonic or something. Gosh, it stands for "pocket monster" and nothing else. I've done research, and it shocks me how many people think Pokemon are demonic or evil or whatever. And when you look at the people's arguments, they're utterly ridiculous. I believe anyone who thinks Pokemon are evil know little or nothing about them. Look at all the other things they DON'T condemn as evil! Same person I know who was taught that Pokemon are demonic is one of the biggest Star Wars fans you'll ever meet. That just doesn't make sense.


I see. It just seemed to be a bit far off-topic...

I did get a little off topic in the thread, but SeaStorm provoked it, so I guess it's not really anyone's fault...
Despite the fact that this thread is terribly out of place on UMF, I couldn't resist the temptation to drop my bag of crap here anyway...:loco:

It might depend on your definition of 'evil', but I have yet to hear the first valid reason why Pokémon would be demonic, please enlighten me!
Now I do have trouble with games like Doom III for having many satanic references, and maybe Postal II for promoting pointless violence and urinating on graves and such, but ignorantly attaching terms like "demonic" and "evil" to Pokémon, merely for containing colourful monsters is just...well...ignorant! Heck, my surname is Monster, am I immediately evil too?:zombie:

/verbal carnage

Same person I know who was taught that Pokemon are demonic is one of the biggest Star Wars fans you'll ever meet.
Hmm, he probably doesn't know 'ewok' is actually an 'undead demon teddybear' in Japanese.:lol:
I have wasted something like 2000 hours of my life playing 12 different Pokémon games over the past 12 years.
This is your stronger argument against Pokemon... the game is addictive to a lot of people, but it was still a choice left out for you.

In some of these games there are statues of god-like Pokémon, some of whom are credited with the creation of the Pokémon universe;
The rules of fantasy allow other gods to exist without discrediting our own. This is not not the same as believing in other gods.

violence in battles between Pokémon is encouraged and rewarded;
Violence exists everywhere.

one of the attacks which can be used is the move "curse"
Again, fantasy allows things like other gods, magic, good demons etc to exist.

and to top it all off, the whole Pokémon concept revolves around proving theories of evolution.
Proving? No. Acknowledging evolution, yes. Even so, evolution is generally accepted as a fact by the vast majority of mankind. It doesn't matter if it's still a theory or if contradicts your personal beliefs. A show centred around evolution is generally intending to be as evil as a show centred around the laws of physics. Besides... I do not know exactly how many Christians do not believe in 100% Creationism, but I'd safely assume that at least half of us don't.

I suspect that most home school teachers know less about Pokémon than I do, but maybe they're onto something.
There's at least some partial truth in every "X is of the devil" rant.

Please do not take this as an attack... it is not intended this way, I'm just providing some counter-points for discussion. My thoughts are these: Pokemon is not evil, or at least not for the reasons you have mentioned. These reasons are, in my opinion, superficial. Pokemon is a commercial ploy to make children susceptible in wasting their parents' hard earned money. It is cleverly put together for that. In this way, it is "evil"... like many commercial schemes that are geared in making money. I am not saying people should stop playing those games. If one enjoys them, by any means continue to do so. Simply enjoying them is not evil!

And please, for the love of all that is holy, I implore everyone to not continue this into a Creationism vs Evolution discussion. I've been around in forums for a long time and I know that this will turn ugly if we are not careful :p.
One article I read about it, actually several, were from the point of view of parents who, when reading through, you can tell obviously know nothing about Pokemon. I think they often believe Pokemon is demonic because (1) kids find the games, card games, etc. extremely addicting (I don't even seem to get this one, because anyone can find anything extremely addicting), or (2) their pastor tells them Pokemon are demonic.

If I thought that first one was stupid... the second one was... *can't think of a strong enough word*

Hmm, he probably doesn't know 'ewok' is actually an 'undead demon teddybear' in Japanese.:lol:

Hahaha. XD
I know somebody who believes that "Pokemon" means "little demon" in Japanese, just because that's what their parents told them

I don't know if there are any synonyms, but the standard word for "demon" in Japanese is "akuma". This sounds like the kind of people who believe that K.I.S.S is an acronym for Knights In Satan's Service.
I once read an article about somebody catching their parents on something like this because their mother accidentally told them that Pokemon means "little demon" sometime after she told them that Smurf also means "little demon". The things some parents will do...
Me when I play a game its just for fun, I don't search negative point. I play pokemon 5 years long, if its evil or not, it will change nothing to my life it's just a game that people play for FUN, not for religion and devil thing.....
People have been making reference to off-topic recently, so I thought I'd drop a note about that. I'm not terribly concerned about threads that are "off-topic" from the metal or music world. We talk about Theocracy constantly here, but we can't talk about it *all* the time. This may indeed be an odd topic for the Ultimate Metal Forums generally, but not for this band's fans, where most are Christian and whether or not Pokemon is evil is (sadly) a topic among Christians.

Also, it's a topic that is pretty harmless, as opposed to another recent topic that got deleted for having no good purpose (but plenty of negative consequences) on a metal band's forum.

Within threads, things shouldn't go too far off topic and the previous thread was actually just about right: Arkatox and I went a bit off topic briefly, but when Aish wanted to take it a step further, he started a new thread for it. Perfect.

I did get a little off topic in the thread, but SeaStorm provoked it, so I guess it's not really anyone's fault...

Blaming the moderator, eh? Careful I might.....well.....give you some leeway for being correct ;)
People have been making reference to off-topic recently, so I thought I'd drop a note about that. I'm not terribly concerned about threads that are "off-topic" from the metal or music world. We talk about Theocracy constantly here, but we can't talk about it *all* the time. This may indeed be an odd topic for the Ultimate Metal Forums generally, but not for this band's fans, where most are Christian and whether or not Pokemon is evil is (sadly) a topic among Christians.

It would be nice if there were a separate forum or category for off-topic or general topics though. I don't know if being hosted on the Ultimate Metal forums allows for that sort of thing or not, but its how most sites handle off-topic stuff (lounge, whatever...).

That way those of us who prefer sticking to the music discussions don't have to wade through off topic threads to do so.
It would be nice if there were a separate forum or category for off-topic or general topics though. I don't know if being hosted on the Ultimate Metal forums allows for that sort of thing or not, but its how most sites handle off-topic stuff (lounge, whatever...).

That way those of us who prefer sticking to the music discussions don't have to wade through off topic threads to do so.

I guess I'm not seeing it as a problem. I just looked at the last 60 threads (first two pages) and 54-55 are about Theocracy or metal music. I guess I don't consider 2-3 off-topic threads per page of 30 threads to be something oppressive to have to wade through, especially when I change the thread titles to match the content, so it is should be really clear which 2-3 threads you should skip over. If it were a big problem, I'd be open to corrective action. I'm open to hearing arguments that it's a bigger problem than I think it is, but I'm just not seeing it.

I have seen other UM forums use a lounge and I could look it that, but again, it's 10% or less of threads.
Thanks to everyone for the interesting comments. I've been laughing and crying a bit. Very good!

Just to clarify, if Pokémon's silver, gold and platinum versions don't qualify for comment somewhere on the Ultimate Metal forums, then I don't know metal.

And yes, Aletheus, Digimon is evil, if only because it sounds to me like it's trying to rip-off Pokémon.
