Is Pokémon Evil?

Is that on youtube?

Yeah, I think I saw one track on Youtube, but the whole album is 28 tracks. Sorry if you can't download it - new music (or remixed versions of old music) is always worth a listen.

I agree with what you're saying about familiarizing and desensitizing people to signs and symbols. I've seen heaps of people wearing an ankh on a chain, and they just think it's a cross with a handy loop at the top. WRONG!!
Yes....ish. Though separate from the actual event. In any case, Angels (and Fallen Angels) are neither stars nor lightning, they are both just metaphors. So really, people who see satan in everything are just silly. And CS Lewis even gave them their own type of silliness (one of the two types of people who give demons power over them. Those who dont' believe in them, and those who develop an unhealthy obsession with them)

....yes. Earth is currently Satan's kingdom, and I'm trying to dispute that. But seriously, a Satanic symbol in the tail of a character on a children's anime?