Is Pokémon Evil?

I am home schooled, and I like it a lot more than public school. I take band at the school, and it is a chaotic mess of immature pre-teens. Two words......lunch. room.
But wasn't Digimon created before Pokemon? Or rather at the same time.

Besides, Digimon's soundtrack kicks double the ass of Pokemon's soundtrack. And Ash is a moron, the Digi-destined never had a problem with pushing their critters to their last form.
It's weird that I saw this thread the other day. Then today started watching these videos on youtube that my sister showed me of a dude who was a satanist and used to be a high priest in black magic, or a wizard (that's what they call males that practice black magic. Women that practice black magic are called witches), then turned Christian. I was interested in his story and whatnot and kept watching. Then when I got to part 12, he started talking and showing all the witchcraft that's in pokemon. Kinda crazy right?

He starts talking bout pokemon here on part 12 at 6:50. A little more at the beginning of part 13, gets into Magic the Gathering, then back at pokemon at about 8:20 in part 13 all the way through part 16.

Here's part 12, so you can get to the related vids from here. Take what you want from it.
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@Rawshik: I agree.

@Jacob777: Thanks, I'd forgotten about aspects of witchcraft in Pokémon. The best part about Lavender Town in Pokémon (ground zero for clairvoyance) was the spooky music, composed on a whole-tone scale - jam packed full of augmented fourths, a musical interval for centuries considered the most dissonant of all possible sounds, and therefore "Musica Diablo" - The Devil in Music (something the "Is Music Amoral" thread could have looked into).

This guy might know what he's on about - I should look into it more - but some of his arguments seem seriously flawed.

"Polywhirl" was going to be called "Hypno", but the name was changed to make it more innocent.
What about the Pokémon which ended up being called Hypno?!? (Actually one of the ugliest and most annoying Pokémon EVER).

Mewtwo looks like an alien.
What does an alien look like? I always thought Mewtwo looked like a mutated cat.
And if his 3 fingered hands are in a constant satanic salute, then are camera tripods and 3-toed sloths all satanic too?

Pikachu's lightning bolt tail is a satanic "Z".
Are all lightning bolts satanic?

And I don't want to get too personal, Edit: so I won't.
Well, my response is that I don't care whether the game is supposed to be satanic or not. (Actually it bores me to tears, but if it didn't...) If I don't use it to worship the devil, then it is not satanic to me. I can understand the guy's repulsion to it because of the associations. But remember Paul teaches that there is nothing inherently wrong with eating meat sacrificed to idols. But we must not be a stumbling block to others. That sounds right to me, anyway.
Nobody ever said they had anything against home-schoolers...

no, but that was what your thread was originally about.

I also think that Pokemon is just plain dumb. The only time I like them is when I am smashing them in 'Super Smash Bros. Melee/Brawl';)
My parents told me they weren't too fond of it when they were younger and didn't let me get into it but they don't believe it's evil anymore. I mean, who started these rumors? It ticks me off! There were things about LEGO's BIONICLE line which I loved, and they let me still play with...

Pokemon is a fantasy type game and these "satanic parallels" are VAGUE!

I could say a man with 3 fingers (because they were bitten off by a wolf?!?!?!) is evil because the remaining fingers form a "satanic salute" and that the wolf represents a hound of hell. Would I be right? NO!!!!!!!!!! This world is so vast, we are bound to end up with parallels, right? Let's say someone said clubs or hammers were demonic tool designs way back but someone who never heard of them (neither by words of man or the influence of satan) made similar tools. Maybe he just found it useful... or interesting!

I know, im not very articulate... but you get the picture, right? I sure hope so.

And no I'm not a pokemon fan! I have played some of the games... like maybe once or twice at friends' houses.
^ I agree. But I'll go further and say again that even if Pokemon IS intended to be satanic, it makes no difference to the millions who could care less and are only interested in it as a game.
I've never played a Pokemon game, but I've read about them and have a pretty good idea of the content and gameplay. I've also played plenty of games that involve summoning monsters, casting spells, etc.

Pokemon is fantasy and I see nothing inherently harmful to it, aside from it being potentially addictive. If you're going to make it off-limits, you might as well do the same with Tolkien or even C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. I definitely don't believe the game is SATANIC. However, I can understand why people might be concerned, I'll acknowledge that there's some legitimate basis - albeit small - for that concern.

An example that came to my mind was something that's better known for controversy -and understandably so -than Pokemon, Dungeons and Dragons. I used to be into table-top role-playing games, including D&D and similar RPG's. The other guys in the group were devout Christians and I was at that point at least loosely religious, and none of us had a problem with it. None of us ever had the urge to practice magic or summon monsters anymore than we ran around lopping peoples' heads off with broadswords. We understood that it was all fantasy and just a game.

Unfortunately, not everyone is like that. While it's unknown how much of a problem it's actually been, where there's that much smoke, there's at least some fire. When people who have difficulty separating fantasy from reality get into something like that, there's potential for harm. I certainly don't think we should ban D&D because of this anymore than I think we should ban cars because some people are too incompetent to drive them. But I think we have to recognize that potential for trouble exists.

If I were parent, as long as my child clearly understood that the game was fantasy, or "just pretend," or whatever, I'd be okay with letting them play Pokemon.
no, but that was what your thread was originally about.

In the thread in which I said the quoted comments about home-schoolers, I mentioned that that's how some are, and I can't stand it. I also mentioned that I was home-schooled through 8th grade myself, and some of the smartest people I know were home-schooled. I didn't say or imply I had anything against home-schoolers; I said and implied that I do have something against over-protective parents, which is reflected in many home-schooled children.
I'm not arguing here, just saying/conversating.

A lot of what the dude was trying to get at throughout the whole series of vids (Pt.1-16) was about how they/people that make these games, pieces of jewelry etc. get us to see these symbols so often that we think nothing of em when we see them. Yet they are same symbols he used for witch craft when he was into it. That's why it's called "occult in your living room". Saying we may have some of these things but don't know it cause we're just not aware of it. And how these people that make the jewelry or posters whatver, put curses or pray demonic stuff on em before sending them out.

The thing with the pokemon wasn't so much that it's evil (though he was kinda saying it), but how they have ALL these symobls in them that are used for witch craft to get very young kids to see them so much, they think nothing of it when they see them else where and in their future.

At the last 10sec or so of pt12 and beginning of 13 while talkin bout pikachu, he says "Just by lookin at him isn't enough to say oh he's satanic that's bad." "What we need to do first is look at who produced the game. It's not what I say but what they say. The creators of Pokemon is made and distributed by Wizards of the Coast" And what's a wizard? Male parctitioner of black magic." Or you can just watch the start of pt 13 lol.

So he's basicly saying it's used/aimed at the very young (n still used by older people I know) to get them used to seeing those symbols that witch craft users use so if they see a shirt or jewel piece, it's cool with em. Kind of like getting kids/people so used to seeing the upside down 5point star in a circle, you start buying shirts with that on it going, "Yo this is just like the thing from so n so" but not really knowing what it really is. Saying it means this when it really means that. Like the flame symbol they use that reps fire type in the pokemon game. They could have used any kind of flame, but chose that particular one, and so on for the rest of em.
Mewtwo looks like an alien.
What does an alien look like? I always thought Mewtwo looked like a mutated cat.
And if his 3 fingered hands are in a constant satanic salute, then are camera tripods and 3-toed sloths all satanic too?

lol yea who knows what an alien looks like. But he said it looked very similar to something they used to pray to while inside the circle thing.

Pikachu's lightning bolt tail is a satanic "Z".
Are all lightning bolts satanic?

I'm sure all aren't, but in the witch craft world or satanic worship, it's supposed to represent when satan fell from the sky like a lightning bolt when he got cast out of Heaven. Something like that.

So, did anyone check out the potentially evil free music download?

I'd be interested to know what anyone thinks of that.

Is that on youtube? I don't really want to have to download a program to get it..Says I need torrent.