Is somethign wrong with me? Agalloch.. hmm...


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
i am starting to HATE them!!!! oyy the suck. I am actually hating the music MOREthe more i listen to it, not the opposite as i had hoped. It is boring and uninventive. I like The Misshapen Steed which is far and away the most interesting song they have ever done. I hear a song by them and go "oh wait they repeated that uninteresting riff for 3 minutes too long, which would be bad even if it was a GOOD riff, which it is not" arrghhh i can't take it!! WHY DOES EVERYONE HERE LOVE THEM SO MUCH?!?!?!?!! I AM TRYING AND ALL I HEAR IS SHIT, AND IT SOUNDS SHITTIER EVERY TIME!!!! (i even know every song off of pale folklore by heart now too pretty much... that's how much chance i have given them)

[/uncalled for thoughtless bash unlike my usual patient understanding self][/ego]
I like pale folklore. I think it has a pretty decent replay value. But the mantle -- I disliked it the first time I listened to it; thought it was brilliant thereafter- better than PF- and now, all said and done, i am beginning to dread the prospect of listening to it again. the track Odal is always nice though. :)

I imagine in my solemn and quiet moments I won't mind listening to the mantle. but god damn!
You have an it that hard? I personally put them up with Emperor, and Opeth in terms of my favorite. You can't like everythign that everyone else likes, obvoiusly.
Originally posted by Morningrise
You have an it that hard? I personally put them up with Emperor, and Opeth in terms of my favorite. You can't like everythign that everyone else likes, obvoiusly.

nono... i don't believe in opinions so much... i think everyone can like anything under the right circumstances and frame of mind. BUT this little tidbit of a band has RUINED MY WHOLE THEORY ON THAT ARRGHH!!!!! I mean fuck i like Back Street Boys, Eminem, and even maybe Limp Bizkit more than this. I guess i need to wait for The Mantle. But holy crap i just don't get this band at all...
nono... i don't believe in opinions so much... i think everyone can like anything under the right circumstances and frame of mind.
What an ironic statement...
But why do you have to start a thread to bash them entirely? That is like if someone started threads bashing Opeth entirely, what would you do then? Oh well, it is YOUR loss.
Originally posted by Morningrise

What an ironic statement...
But why do you have to start a thread to bash them entirely? That is like if someone started threads bashing Opeth entirely, what would you do then? Oh well, it is YOUR loss.

hehe i made someone a bit mad. ok lemme rephrase that since you decided to interpret my words wrong on the opinions thing. i don't believe in musical TASTE... change the word opinion to taste.

and you're treating me like i never tried. I did, i always do, and it always has worked, but this band has me stumped. Which is why i make the thread... i am frustrated that i don't see what other people see.
boring they are. don't try too hard, you might hurt yourself. just b/c they're respected in this circle, it doesn't meen you should give them more of a chance to win your ears then any other group out there. if you do, then you're devaluing your own taste. etc. etc.
Originally posted by Bumblefoot

hehe i made someone a bit mad. ok lemme rephrase that since you decided to interpret my words wrong on the opinions thing. i don't believe in musical TASTE... change the word opinion to taste.

and you're treating me like i never tried. I did, i always do, and it always has worked, but this band has me stumped. Which is why i make the thread... i am frustrated that i don't see what other people see.

musical taste is a reality; you choose the kind of music you like according to your unique nature and circumstances. you cannot expect everyone to like the very same thing.
oh i don't expect them to. But i do believe it is possible, if one person can like it, for anyone to, given the circumstances. That's why i believe i can like anything if someone else can. But this stupid band has made me have to rethink that. I mean honestly i have done it with pop, rap. nu metal, whatever you name it i like it and can enjoy it... but so far there's only one song on pale folklore i would want to listen to over and over... oh and the end of "the melancholy spirit", but only the end.
I love The Mantle. Granted I do see it being one of those cds that in the future I will need to be in that mood for but thats with everyone for me. Right now Im in a Swano mood. Maybe tomorrow it will be Prince or maybe Emperor, I never know til the mood strikes me.
the mantle is VERY hard to appreciate unless you hear the whole thing from beginning to end.

here is a review that I think explains exactly what i'm trying to say, esp. the last 2 paragraphs (not my review)

There are 9 tracks on this album. The album layout follows a pattern. The first track is a brief "instrumental", which is followed by a "song", followed by another instrumental, etc. Track 7, "The Hawthorne Passage", is an 11 minute instrumental; the last two tracks are a couplet of songs, the first of which ("..And the Great..") is an accoustic ballad set in 3/4 time. Incidentally, it's been offered as an mp3 on the The End records site before the release of the album.

The album's aesthetic rests on the principle of atmosphere. There are few if any obvious musical (tonal, rhythmic) modulations in each track. The Hawthorne Passage is the only clear exception. Modulations are important since they convey a sense of "change" in the music, of movement from one emotion, or scenario, to another. The result of this compositional dearth is that the songs in Mantle feel "longwinded". If you're an impatient listener, a listener with a small-scale sense of time, a listener looking for the music to do the highest number of things in the smallest span of time, a listener who misses the atmospheric property of an album, the songs will seem tedious. I sympathize. This album is "pale" in comparison to their previous LP, Pale Folklore. PF is the superior album. Mantle could be, perhaps should be!, an album about half the length, if not shorter. I get the sense that this album is really one or two good songs, expanded, bloated, like a balloon full of "atmosphere", to meet a time quota. Track 1 (A Celebration..) is more like an excerpt of track 8 (..And The Great Cold Death..). Then there is track 5 which is like a monotonous and shorter, less eventful version of track 3 (Odal). All these tracks could have been abridged without any detriment to the music, the music being as repetive and drawn out as it is.

That said, Mantle is inferior, in my opinion, to Pale Folklore, but it's not failure. In fact I it think it's brilliant. I accept the album's atmosphere, and with every listen the album- which I suggest should be understood as a single song rather than as an album full of distinct songs- grows on me. Indeed this musical monism is suggested not only by the themes in the lyrics, but by a) reprising accoustic passages, first introduced in track 1, repeated, though in a vague, ambiguous form in track 5, and magnified in track 8; and by b) the recurring effects-- the sound of winds, the singular sound of what's listed as a "deer antler percussion", which appears in the album severally.

My initial feeling was that the album is repetitive. Ideas didn't seem to condense. And, as noted, there is a lack of modulation within each track. If, however, one understands that the musical space is expanded to allow for atmosphere in the music, correctly perceives the album as a single song rather than as a manifold of musically independent songs, one begins to see the musical variation- the emotion- come alive, not only within each song, but mostly as an emergent property of the tracks. Each track, in other words, gains its meaning from its juxtaposition to a pre and proceeding track. The album layout, the alternations between songs and instrumentals, is a neccesary and deliberate part of the design.

The Mantle is an excellent *song*. It just happens to be over an hour long. Atmosphere in this case is good. It is the kind that seeps and soaks into the listener, every auditory pore, if one should let it. Agalloch's achievement is that they design meaning not within each track as per convention, but outside, across the digital spectrum.

I'm not trying to make anyone like the album, but try to consider that.
I'd say not to worry, Bumblefoot. If they ain't your thing, no sense in beating yourself to death trying to like them. Hell, people tell me Lost Horizon is the shiznit, but damnit if they aren't cheese merchants of the lowest caliber.