Is Spotify Bad for Music?


MelodyHunt Metalhead
Good morning metal fans. @alexstandiford here. I wanted to ask you guys about a pretty hot topic with music in the US. I'm aware that Spotify has been around for a while now, and it is only just now coming to the USA, but I want to know this:

What do you guys think of Spotify? It seems pretty cool, you play free music, get an occasional ad, and you don't feel guilty because you know it supports the artist. I read a little closer on it, and was appaled with a few facts listed discussed on I discuss the good and bad side of spotify on this post: is Spotify good or evil?

"The British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors has complained that Spotify's payments to songwriters are "tiny", and that the way they are calculated is distressingly opaque. The most eyecatching detail to emerge recently is the claim that, in a five-month period shortly after the service launched, Spotify users enjoyed more than 1m plays of Lady Gaga's song Poker Face – which earned Her Gaganess the sum of $167."

I'm not a huge fan of Gaga, but I know that 167 dollars for 1 million views isn't a lot of money.

On the latter, quotes are rising that read this:

"Spotify is a success. Not just in terms of users but also with regard to revenues for music companies. Spotify is now bigger than iTunes in terms of our monthly revenue in Sweden," Mark Dennis, head of digital music at Sony BMG Sweden, told The Local on Tuesday."

My question for you:

Is spotify bad for music?