Is the Axe-FX just a passing fad?

Also.. this is the recordings forum. Lots of good examples of non-djenty stuff.

I'm more interested in the Tool, Slipknot, Deftones, types of sound personally. So I don't like to listen to endless djent either. As soon as I was able to play the Jambi riff through the Axe-FX I was pretty much sold. The ability to run the Uberschall and a Recto alongside it in a dual amp configuration is just great.

And fundamentally... the Axe-FX amps are the closest that digital has ever gotten. I'm sure in 10 years time it will be superceeded by something else that also blows peoples minds. But until then... it will be king as far as I'm concerned.
I checked out the links, and unfortunately I'm still not convinced. I guess Axe-FX just isn't for me, which is fine. I can't really put my finger on it, but in every hi-gain clip I checked out, there was this annoying little nuance in the tone... I really can't describe it, and I damn well know I'm gonna get lynched for this old cliché, but it just sounds... digital :lol:
Hehe. That's fine man. I don't really have any stock in what other people think - it's not like I own the company. But I was very impressed yesterday, which is why I'm so behind the Axe-FX.
About the price thing, I had the chance to try it a few weeks ago with a friend who owns like
4 Mesas (Mark V, 2 Dual Rectos and one Mesa Studio Pre with 2:90 poweramp).
So we tried the Axe-Fx in different ways, he owns an Eventide Eclipse and actually we liked the
Axe-Fx better for almost every effect and it's cheaper. There are many guys owning a Eventide
Eclipse, so the Axe-Fx is worth the price only for the efx in my opinion, and than there are lots
of great amp sims aswell, so figure it out by yourself.

I don't want to argue about the whole modelling/real amps thing, I am sure that real amps can sound better,
but for me, there's no way I could buy a Mesa Dual Recto for my hi-gain stuff, and for the other things
I would need 1 or 2 other amps as well, so at least 2 amps, together like 4.000€, add cabinets, mics, preamps,
the Axe doesn't even cost 2.000€ and the sounds are good enough for me.
I am not the best producer so there are many ways to make my guitars sound bad, even with equipment worth
10.000€, would be easier to spend less ;)
And I really like the options you have with the Axe, like sending the signal with cab sim to the pa and without
cab sim to your cab and stuff.
And aslong as there are no albums out, sounding like shit because they were recorded with an axe instead of real amps
there's no reason for me to hate it ;)
Hehe. That's fine man. I don't really have any stock in what other people think - it's not like I own the company. But I was very impressed yesterday, which is why I'm so behind the Axe-FX.

Totally, I'm not saying it sounds bad, it just isn't what I'm looking for. Granted, the versatility and convenience Axe-FX brings to the gigging musician is awesome, and I think that's it's main selling point.
Definitely. Tbh, my current setup is fine. It's just a bit bulky. But it does everything I want, and does have something over the Axe-FX in that everything is physical. I want to adjust something... I turn the actual knob that controls that something. The Axe-FX isn't as easy to use.

I'm basically thinking that I'll wait and see what happens financially. If I can afford to keep everything I've got and get the Axe-FX too.. I'd rather do that. I don't really want to sell all my gear if I can help it.
Someday, somebody will write a better tube simulating algo, a better technology than the static impulses will come along as JeffTD pointed out, ideally, it will be open source and will cost only the hardware, so yeah it's a fad like everything digital due to the rate of obsolescence. If it does what you want it to for the price however there's no reason to not like it (apart from the way they handled the situation with those Poida impulses which turned me off in a bad way frankly so I'd never buy anything by fractal). Just don't cry when it starts going for less than 250$ on ebay. Granted that's a little ways off judging the way things stand today.
I don't know why you bellends keep insisting on using the word fad. It makes you look retarded, like you were conceived with weak sperm.
Someday, somebody will write a better tube simulating algo, a better technology than the static impulses will come along as JeffTD pointed out, ideally, it will be open source and will cost only the hardware, so yeah it's a fad like everything digital due to the rate of obsolescence. If it does what you want it to for the price however there's no reason to not like it (apart from the way they handled the situation with those Poida impulses which turned me off in a bad way frankly so I'd never buy anything by fractal). Just don't cry when it starts going for less than 250$ on ebay. Granted that's a little ways off judging the way things stand today.

I'll give it two years before the price plummets down to the $500 range.
Someday, somebody will write a better tube simulating algo, a better technology than the static impulses will come along as JeffTD pointed out, ideally, it will be open source and will cost only the hardware, so yeah it's a fad like everything digital due to the rate of obsolescence. If it does what you want it to for the price however there's no reason to not like it (apart from the way they handled the situation with those Poida impulses which turned me off in a bad way frankly so I'd never buy anything by fractal). Just don't cry when it starts going for less than 250$ on ebay. Granted that's a little ways off judging the way things stand today.

There was an interesting comment on digital modeling in the newest Tape-Op. I can't recall what the company and product was (it was some sort of saturation plugin that actually physically models every single electric component in the actual physical unit), but the developers said it would take approximately five years to get to a point where an average computer had enough juice to use their physical modeling algorithm to accurately replicate a Fender Bassman. Apparently they had designed a method similar to Spice for audio schematics, and the plugins were running the "Spice" simulation in real time. Granted, the CPU usage on the plugin was ridiculous.
I don't know why you bellends keep insisting on using the word fad. It makes you look retarded, like you were conceived with weak sperm.

It is a fad though. It's just like one of those fad diets like Atkins that are the shit the moment they're out and all you ever hear is that every celebrity and their dog is on it, and the next day it's just.. gone.

After a while, it gets bashed. People say 'what were we thinking?!' and move on. This is going to be what happens to Axe-FX when Line 6 cums all over their faces. They can have all the glory they want right now, but their product will be worthless in a short period of time.
It is a fad though. It's just like one of those fad diets like Atkins that are the shit the moment they're out and all you ever hear is that every celebrity and their dog is on it, and the next day it's just.. gone.

After a while, it gets bashed. People say 'what were we thinking?!' and move on. This is going to be what happens to Axe-FX when Line 6 cums all over their faces. They can have all the glory they want right now, but their product will be worthless in a short period of time.

That is NOT the definition of a fad.

And Line 6 wont cum all over their faces. That is a fantasy of your own. All the good Line 6 developers LEFT Line 6 and formed other companies.
There was an interesting comment on digital modeling in the newest Tape-Op. I can't recall what the company and product was (it was some sort of saturation plugin that actually physically models every single electric component in the actual physical unit), but the developers said it would take approximately five years to get to a point where an average computer had enough juice to use their physical modeling algorithm to accurately replicate a Fender Bassman. Apparently they had designed a method similar to Spice for audio schematics, and the plugins were running the "Spice" simulation in real time. Granted, the CPU usage on the plugin was ridiculous.

I thought that's what the algorithms were for? To reduce the processing element. I doubt it's a very hard task for programmers to exactly replicate say an ENGL or the like from schematics, it's just the inefficiency of the code that's stopping them.

From my understanding, an algorithm takes large chunks of code and compresses them into 'shorthand' which makes for easy processing.

For example, if I code the letters XYZFEGHSJU to be translated to a 6, that greatly reduces the processing power required.
That is NOT the definition of a fad.

And Line 6 wont cum all over their faces. That is a fantasy of your own. All the good Line 6 developers LEFT Line 6 and formed other companies.

a temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc., esp. one followed enthusiastically by a group.

If this doesn't fit the Axe-FX and it's community like a glove, I don't know what does. Seriously, everywhere you go: VHT 2/90/2 + Axe-FX. It's a fad, a fad of epic proportions.
It's worth bearing in mind also that metal was called a fad when it first surfaced... as was psychedelia, and basically any new form of music that differed from the old. You guys just have old man syndrome basically ;)
It's worth bearing in mind also that metal was called a fad when it first surfaced... as was psychedelia, and basically any new form of music that differed from the old. You guys just have old man syndrome basically ;)

I'm not comparing it to analog gear though. I prefer digital myself (for recording, I'm not great at mic'ing and neither do I have the rooms for it). I'm saying it's not worth the price tag, and the only reason it gets away with having that outrageous price on it is that it's marketed as this revolutionary supermachine that does everything remarkably different that other products like it when it's not really all that different to a free ampsim and a couple of impulses you can pick off a rogue forum for nothing.