Is the Digi 003 for me??


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
I'm currently using Logic, and while I like certain features about it, I want to switch to Pro Tools. I want to be able to work with the industry standard and record my friends bands.

Question: Is this the most convenient way for me to get used to Pro Tools?? The Mbox is too limited for what I want. Also, can I expand the number of inputs on the unit somehow? If I was to buy some RME pres perhaps??

sorry for the newb questions. I know some on here don't really like the 002/003 stuff, but there's no way I'm going HD any time soon. Opinions/thoughts?

Thanks for the replies dudes. Trust me, there are other hardware choices I would make before the 003, but I really want to familiarize myself with Pro Tools and get comfortable with it.

CJ, a couple questions. How do you use your Fireface with it? 1/4" ins?? Also, do you find that the lack of desktop control (faders, etc.) is a problem at all? Would you reccomend some type of control surface? Also, do you think getting the "factory" 003 is worth it? It's just extra plugins right?


CJWall: Isn't the Fireface800 much more flexible / has more ins and outs than the 003? Any other reason than you wanting to be a DigiSlave for the change?
I think people forget the fact that you don't have to run protools with digidesign hardware. He wants to be familiar with the industry standard which is protools so why not score a 003 or 002 and the 002 i know can have up to 18 inputs. Not sure how many you need but you can still run your favorite recording program if you wanted plus learn and have protools at your fingertips.

If i could i would probably get the 003 if money is not a concern but you can score a 002 pretty cheap used now and get modded for the same price as a new 003. Blacklion Audio has some sweet mods for the 002 if you wanted to step it up sound quality wise which i think is a no brainer.
I dropped the Fireface because mine malfuntioned not once, but TWICE, two difference units and the customer service is nothing short of abysmal. I waited over 2 months and spent over $300 for a replacement unit that ended up not working.

FUCK that shit. Sold it for the 003R and haven't looked back.

My 003R has worked flawlessly and I actually like it a bit more than the Fireface in terms of monitor control. The volume, mute and mono knobs/buttons are pricless for me.

The fireface has more ins and outs yes, but I can't afford to be without an interface for that long again if something goes wrong.

BLA also has a mod for the 003 which I may get, a little later in time.

Oh, and the 003 worked flawlessly w/ASIO in Cubase/Nuendo.

I wouldn't get the factory bundle, save that money and buy the URS Strip Pro :)

Hope it helps!
Awesome, thanks CJ. I think I misread before and assumed you used the Fireface along with it. Yeah, that is pretty crappy customer service. I'm just wondering what is the best option of expanding the inputs on the 003 since it only has 4 mic inputs.

Awesome, thanks CJ. I think I misread before and assumed you used the Fireface along with it. Yeah, that is pretty crappy customer service. I'm just wondering what is the best option of expanding the inputs on the 003 since it only has 4 mic inputs.


ADAT, via an 8-channel pre like the Digimax.