Digi 003

Pro Tools is quickly becoming less and less dominating over the market. DAWs that used to be considered inferior have really been stepping it up over the last five or so years.
Were they really that bad? I had Samplitude SE and soon after that SX3 when I started so I'm not an ace in Seqeuncer-History! :lol:
Were they really that bad? I had Samplitude SE and soon after that SX3 when I started so I'm not an ace in Seqeuncer-History! :lol:
I guess that was stated back in the day when cubase only had 8 tracks with offline processing ( no plugins), studio vision had only 4 and logic audio was 8 if I remember correctly.
There wasn't much interfaces offering more than a stereo I/O, it's all about a general change in computers.
Right now, besides the *cough* "studio standard" there's not a reason that's mantaining protools over the competition, they're just as good IMO