Is the media attempting to ignite nation wide riots?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Good Christ. Every story that has hit the news as of late has been centered around racial injustice. Along with the the Rena 6, a story broke out of Palmdale, CA yesterday evening, in where a female negar was rough housed by a white security guard on her high school campus. Apparently the chimpette refused to throw away her banana peel and the rent-a-cop became overzealous, tossed her across the table, and applied a hammerlock which resulted in her cotton picking wrist snapping like a splint of hickory across the back of her late Great Uncle Argumenius. This is about the fourth story along these lines that I have heard this week. The zoo animals are growing restless and their thirsty for the game keeper's blood.

Apparently the chimpette refused to throw away her banana peel and the rent-a-cop became overzealous, tossed her across the table, and applied a hammerlock which resulted in her cotton picking wrist snapping like a splint of hickory across the back of her late Great Uncle Argumenius.

seems fair to me, i can't see what the fuss is about :rolleyes:
It's the God honest gospel. This thread was not created to bash those of a lower work ethic, but to place the blame on the media for exacerbating the situation by magnifying one isolated incident of backwater racial intolerance in to a modern day civil rights movement.

Negar, you can vote.
Negar, you are free to work.
Negar, you are free to own land.
Negar, you are free to fuck white women.
Negar, you are free to pick the gnats from your gums.