I don't even own cable you fucking self-deluded troll. I'd love to see all you fucks face to face. You'd all whimper off into the sunset on your skateboards! But since it's online your a typing terrorist. A real manly man! Take your teen angst somewhere else. I seen the vh-1 results on a metal newsboard you silly twit! J you linkin park loving lilly livered limbeck! Your one step closer to the edge aren't ye you chester idolizing insignificant spec of webspace! Does insulting me for no apparent reason make all of you feel more tr00? I'm a fucking metal fan with class! I knew of this mayhem debacle long ago, but was curious to fucking see if it was actually documented on tape somewhere. But low and behold this board never seizes to amaze me! Living up to the phrase (General "Dick"ussion) assholes like Dickness Eternal put their noses in the air as they're not interested in discussing such a topic! If you're not interested then move fucking forward you dullard! You dont see me commenting on every fucking single post on the entire site of UM? You fucks must come from broken homes. That's why you all have such an express hatred for society. Why do you hate society? Not because society is a cesspool of shit. But because you dont have a place in the cesspool! You all want to fit in. You want to be accepted! You lack the wet and warm feel of a mother's kiss, the satisfying esteem of a father's approval. You are all basically orphans of the soul. And what better way to feel a sense of belonging but with your kind. The friends of the friendless. Peers via an Internet Provider! When you all die what will be buried? Your bodies? Or your computers? What will you take with you? You silly fucks who base your entire identity on your screennames and post counts! I hope you all live piss poor lives! It would be oh so fitting. Just like Chuck Schuldiner said "Support Music not rumors" He hated all you little fucks who'd just go on the internet and insult bands and each other without having any knowledge to back it! Insulting people you dont even know. If you knew me you'd fucking cower you pussies. I'd feast on your fear as you cradled the emptyness of your shattered souls! You fucking pussies you;ve ignited my hate! This inferno will not go extinguished! Now Fuck off!