Is there a I.R vst for mac out there?


Jul 31, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Well, I know the basics about I.R s, but I cant get those Voxengo vsts working, I guess its because they are for windows.. But what about mac? is there a vst designed for mac? Thanks!
Is it so that neither DFHS OR altiverb works on Cubase LE? What about SE? They are the two I own.
Do I actually have to buy Cubase SX or 4? argh.. The money.. :ill:

and why the hell does non of my plug ins show up i LE? Wheres is the plug in folder for Cubase on mac?? Shit, I really dont know anything...

Can somebody help a lost soul? Thanks.
Yes, I think that works, but NOT on Cubase LE or SE witch I have.. Im doomed. I think I have to work ALOT of overtime, use all my savings and not eat nor drink for a few months just so I can buy Cubase 4 and Waves Gold TDM.. Then Im finaly all set for REAL!
Actually, unless you are using ProTools, you don't need to buy the TDM versions of any Waves plug-ins. If you are using Cubase, Digital Performer, Logic, Nuendo, or anything besides ProTools, you should get the Native bundles, which are much cheaper.

Yes, I already found it, but thanks anyway!

I tried på use PowerPc plug ins, but with no luck.. I read that you could write some comandolines in the "ms-dos" script, dont remember the mac name, to shut down something before the program lunches, but I havent tried that all out yet..

I downloaded a pluggo pack with plug ins from the TConvoulution site. It contains a plug called "Convolution", but I dont understand that plug.. Do somebody know if its supposed to work with impulses and how it works? The TConvolution PowerPc version does not work on Intel Mac, yet..