Is there no turning back now...?

Hmmm what would Freud say about your need for a breast to comfort you when you are feeling helpless? Some sort of regression perhaps. Well fine, if it works for you.:)
I see many people here lamenting the "overpopulation" of the world. I don't see it this way. Yes, the increasing population puts pressure on us to do something about it - how is this a bad thing? Mankind will forever be searching for a better quality of life and the problems with population growth will be the greatest incentive yet to continue the search. Large populations do not necessarily entail the destruction of our natural environment - we should instead be looking into denser, more compact cities, cleaner energy which will serve future generations well. It is our selfishness and desire to live in comfortable spacious houses which is incompatible with the future, not the rate of population growth. Extermination of large masses of people is not the answer. Population growth will spur new technologies and force us into exploration of other galaxies and planets on which to settle. Instead of being our downfall, I see it as the mechanism of our civilization's development.
One mexican and three africans per household should do it.

Don't forget we live on a finite planet with finite resources and infinite greed. Go figure.
On a more serious note, I feel Norse is right again when she says that God is the problem, since he will provide without us doing our part...

I said it before, but I'll say it again, humanity is in it's teenage years, it will eventually grow up from this "selfish" phase when people will understand that their best interest is that everyone else interest is achieved. Ironically, that messiah guy said it best : "Do unto other's what you wish was done to you".
hibernal_dream said:
I see many people here lamenting the "overpopulation" of the world. I don't see it this way. Yes, the increasing population puts pressure on us to do something about it - how is this a bad thing? Mankind will forever be searching for a better quality of life and the problems with population growth will be the greatest incentive yet to continue the search. Large populations do not necessarily entail the destruction of our natural environment - we should instead be looking into denser, more compact cities, cleaner energy which will serve future generations well. It is our selfishness and desire to live in comfortable spacious houses which is incompatible with the future, not the rate of population growth. Extermination of large masses of people is not the answer. Population growth will spur new technologies and force us into exploration of other galaxies and planets on which to settle. Instead of being our downfall, I see it as the mechanism of our civilization's development.

Hmmmm yeah, mankind it's definetly in its teenage years. But for how long has it been this wah huh? I'd say a few hundred years.

It's true what ye say about cleaner air and stuff, but I don't think that will be solved in the near future. So that means we're all doomed :waah: .

Precisely what I don't want is for mankind to go and fill with crap other planets. One ruined Earth is enough, thank you.

Although it may be innevitable to go into outer space :erk: .