Is this a decent 8505 tone?


Jul 12, 2008
Hesse Germany
During messing around with nick crow´s 8505 and catharsis impulses, i noticed this exodus vibe i got. It´s not the sweet tempo of damned sound, but isn´t it a good tone? Chain is GS tubescreamer->TSS->8505->awesome4pulse->D82 Sonic Maxim. touch of EQ. Played with stock pick-ups and mixed trough headphones, so it could be even better. But it´s really funny how simple it is (After lightyears of tweaking revalver etc.) to achieve a good tone with 8505 and catharsis IR´s.
I think it's a really good tone. It would benefit from better sounding drums or bass being added I think, but that goes for any mix.

It has a nice definition to it and seems to sound as though it responds really well to the playing. Those big chords (that only last a few moments) inbetween the chuggy bits sound great and full.
i'm really liking the 8505, and this is sounding really good.

i wish i could play with it, but its such a hassle to switch to windows.. heh.

i think a grinding bass tone would help. Also I'd go with a bit more gain on the guitars. The drums sound great, what samples did you use?
Thank´s everyone. Yes it is a bit thin sounding, that´s one minus of the 8505. More bass and it will lost it´s sharpness. Have fattened it up with sonic maximiser to compensate. Drumsamples are Machine Head kick and a mix of ezdrummers own, Black Dahlia Murder snare and Alesis SR16. OH and toms are ezdr. Thank´s