is this august tour confirmed or close to being?

Dead_Lioness said:
^ i wasnt there at your gig because i was not familiar enough with your music
I completely realised that, I was just meaning it's a shame that you weren't more familiar with us at the time really because it was one of our better shows......ah skip it, nevermind lol You get the point.

Hopefully our next venture there will be as good or even better.

And we'll definitely come to Worcester again, we've always enjoyed ourselves there!
it is going to be a last minute thing for me as it might be my last week of work before my move to Albuquerque for my 1 year stay there but I hope to make it as Novembers doom and my buddies in fall of empyrean on same night would be awesome. I really think both bands work well together on one show.:Spin:
Worcester's usually a fun place for non-mainstream gigs. (At bigger shows, you run into some real assholes. I had to help escort the wife off the floor last time.) I'm not huge on their overall sound though.
One time, this band played upstairs and came across absolutely horrid for their hometown crowd. When the equipment didn't overload the power system completely, their drum overrode everything else. Saw 'em the next day in Jersey and got what the big fucking deal was about. Multiple instruments were audible! THEY HAD A VOCALIST!!!
Downstairs... it's happened that one out of five bands on bills have clearly had vocalists. The rest might well be saying something but it's lost anywhere I stand.

Still, I prefer the place to some venues with better sound for certain gigs. If it's going to be a longterm thing with lots of socialization, I'd rather have a place with little hidey-holes to sit down and chat. Plus if they have the balcony open, me and my mates can hold up banners professing our love for certain big burly metal dudes.
