is this august tour confirmed?


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
A mini-tour with THE CHASM, VEHEMENCE, RESUSICTATOR and NOVEMBERS DOOM is being planned for August. Cities hit will be Phoenix, Las vegas, San Fransisco and Los Angeles.

if so, I hope it is in phoenix prior to my departure as along with vehemence, I have only imagined seeing Novembers doom:Spin:
FuckYouIWantToDie said:
this is news to me. how does this happen without me knowing anything about it?

Good question. I was surprised to see it announced so soon, as I know not all 4 bands have confirmed 100%. We did, but I don't know if anyone else has yet. Hopefully Vehemence can do this, because you guys are great, and this line up would be a killer package!
John said he ran it by you guys. Oh well. Yeah, I wasn't expecting to announce the shows soon, either, but someone had already seen it advertised, so I was like "Aw, well fuck it."

Paul, Novembers Doom is great and it will be a great pleasure for us to open for you guys. Only about 4 people have ever heard Fall of Empyrean, but we're quite similar in style, and we're all fans of ND and have great respect.
We are down to do it, it is just iffy if we have a big full u.s.a tour at that time, knowing our luck we probably wont. If anything we will give a months notice just in case anything changes. So this small run is possible. Looking forward to seeing Novermbers Doom play.