Is this good enough? Do you like the song?


Lord of Gear
Dec 29, 2006
Hollywood, CA
Is this good enough to release? I'm kind of looking for feedback that goes beyond the mix, like performances, etc.

Disregard the organ/choir part at the end. Let me know if you have any questions about the production or equipment.

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It just sounds like you've shoe horned lame dubstep and synth parts in for the sake of it - it doesn't the style at all and the fad will be over in a year's time.
too repetitive and sounds too much like dubstep, also the voice isn't the best i've ever heard. Keep practicing, this is barely demo quality.
Sorry if i hurt your feelings, but you did come here for an honest opinion after all. I wasn't talking strictly about the production quality, which I understand is very hard to obtain in a home environment, I was talking about the song itself. It's following a trend that, like xTomx very well put, will soon be over. Release quality? No, but keep at it, there are some interesting ideas floating arround, but this one just isn't "it".
sounds like a chihuahua barking at the beginning. a very on time chihuahua. is it all real instruments? mic'd cabs, drums and such?
Yup. Guitars are a few different axes put through a Fender SuperSonic. I think the guitar solo was split and recorded through that and a Marshall half-stack. Drums and cymbals are 100% real (except for the hi hat). Having a tracking room with 15' ceilings helps with the drums, for sure. Even the keyboard lead at the start was played manually on a Roland Fantom.