Is this mix good/clear? Please give feedback!!


Apr 25, 2011
Hey guys, I have been working on my mixing a lot lately and would like to know if the hard work is paying off? is this mix good? clear?
Please let me know :)
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Sounds pretty good!

kick n snare are nice n clear, the guitars instantly sounded a bit dull n lifeless to me, and the cymbals are crap sounding. are the cymbals real? if so the trebal needs boosting.

what guitar rig are you using?
I like the guitars a lot. not a huge fan of the clean tone, but thats just because I always add a fair amount of ambience to cleans like these. Drums may be a little lifeless, but the snare and kick do sit well. I'd like to hear more top end on that bass too. What was the setup for the bass? all around good mix
Hey man, the mix to me sounds tight, i would suggest replace all the bass though, the levels are great but where is the BASS! It sounds like you could snap it with your hands, get some parrallel compression on the drums that will make them kick!

Also use a plugin by Waves called Maxxbass that will help you wonders!

P.S your music is sick!
Thanks Guys!!!

Drums are Addictive drums with the metal expansion. and the guitar tones are from a POD HD 300.

I hear what you are saying about the clean. I've never worked with clean stuff really so I don't really know what sounds strings would probably help :p The bass is Trillian I wanna use a real bass for it i'm starting to dislike Trillian haha

@Crystal Sound Studios
Never thought of Parallel comp before I might try It :). and follow my soundcloud if you like my music!!!!! ;) vvvv