Is this mix publishable?

It was my intention to have the mix with "space" but maybe i over did it. Thanks for the input :) If more of you say the same then I'll consider it.
Auto-tune on the vocals would be a plus. I like the "space" in the mix, but the kick drum might be a little too up-front for that. Maybe just make the kick a touch on the "rounder" side.

A nice mix so far :)
they are already tuned XD, believe me his voice is weird and sounds as if it were out of tune but it isn't XD! and what do you mean "rounder" side? less click?
It sounds great. I agree that everything sounds awesome individually, but disconnected from each other. I'm not sure if it's a master bus issue or not. When the choral harmonies or lead guitar kick in it feels "complete." Maybe more high end/grit on the bass track to fill up the center. The low end of the kick and bass is perfect on this. Another option is have a bus where the right and left guitar tracks bleed more into the center/other side. That could add some glue to the sound. It's got great polish. I just think maybe the guitars are too separated?
Thanks for all the input, indeed I realized it was a bit to "separated" and "empty" so i "glued" so whole mix a little more (compressed the master buss a bit more) I also changed other stuff to make it a little less "harsh" sounding.

I hope it is any better. hope i haven't exaggerated with the "roundness" of the kick drum. :P GLUE.mp3
Thats some massive low end. isnt it to bassy? i mean that sub is kind of distracting ;)

also, snare is overcompressed to me and a little bit boxy. Guitars are nice tho, but they have too much energy in like around 120 hz
whats happening on ~10s?

thats what I hear :P

edit: ...and the bass seem to have too much ~120hz also.
I don't hear what the poster above is hearing. I think it sounds great man.
Drum sound reminds me of Images & Words (Dream Theater).