Is Tom Englund going to sing on the new Ayreon CD?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I know he's a big fan of Ayreon and has expressed interest in being part of it. I was wondering if anyone knows whether he's been approached by Arjen Lucassen to partake in the new album.

Arjen REALLY needs to get Tom to be apart of this new album, along with Daniel Gildenlow, Roy Khan, Michele Luppi and Michael Eriksen.

Good God, I can't even begin to imagine an album with all these guys on it... I don't think I'd need to listen to another album ever again if this were to happen.
i like all Ayreon's albums :)
Tom would be the cherry on a chocolate-muffin-cake :OMG:
i can't wait :D whether he'd be on it or not, :p

i also heard that Engel, the band Michael Hakansson is now in, has a record deal :). Maybe it's old news :lol: i don't know, i'm just sharing :D
There's no way Tom could have done Akerfeldt's Fear personification as well as he did.

I however know for a fact that Tom is very eager to guest on a future Ayreon album if Arjen is up for it. We'll see...
Yes! I really hope this happens. I disagree with the comments about the human equation though Akerfeldt's role was the best casting there i thought.