Is Tom Englund going to sing on the new Ayreon CD?

Jorn Lande is to appear on this album as well!!! my two favourite voices on one album :rock: :kickass: how cool is that?
I think this is going to be great. Arjen has a pretty solid line up except for one or two holes that I'm sure he will be able to work with. Forgive me as I've yet to be blown away by "Pain of Salvation" & I don't like that vocal style. All I have is "Perfect Elements I" though so I'm probably missing something good. I'd hate to judge a band off one album, however that's the biggest album I hear everyone going off about & that's why I got it.

"Into the Electric Castle" is one of my all time favorite albums. It just blows me away. I also love "The Final Experiment" & I'm especially big on "Stream of Passion". If Arjen can slip away from whatever it is he was trying to do on "The Human Equation" I will be a happy man.
If Arjen can slip away from whatever it is he was trying to do on "The Human Equation" I will be a happy man.

I find the total opposite. I find all Ayreon to be really good but 'The Human Equation' was so far ahead of everything else he has ever done that if i ever want to listen to something by Arjen, 'The Human Equation' is the only thing I ever put on. To me 'The Human Equation' is one of the best albums ever, so I'm interested to hear the new album especially as it has Tom on vocals who is better than anybody else Arjen has ever got for vocals :rock:
has anyone heard new material from the new Ayreon album? there's a song on Ayreon's MySpace called The Earth Extinction. it features Jorn Lande and Tom among others...i find it somehow...very strange... :hypno:
I think this is going to be great. Arjen has a pretty solid line up except for one or two holes that I'm sure he will be able to work with. Forgive me as I've yet to be blown away by "Pain of Salvation" & I don't like that vocal style. All I have is "Perfect Elements I" though so I'm probably missing something good. I'd hate to judge a band off one album, however that's the biggest album I hear everyone going off about & that's why I got it.

"Into the Electric Castle" is one of my all time favorite albums. It just blows me away. I also love "The Final Experiment" & I'm especially big on "Stream of Passion". If Arjen can slip away from whatever it is he was trying to do on "The Human Equation" I will be a happy man.
Umm. Sorry to hear you don't "get" pain of salvation. He's certainly talented enough and doesn't need direction regardless of what you may feel about the band. POS slays. end of story.
I think this is going to be great. Arjen has a pretty solid line up except for one or two holes that I'm sure he will be able to work with. Forgive me as I've yet to be blown away by "Pain of Salvation" & I don't like that vocal style. All I have is "Perfect Elements I" though so I'm probably missing something good. I'd hate to judge a band off one album, however that's the biggest album I hear everyone going off about & that's why I got it.

"Into the Electric Castle" is one of my all time favorite albums. It just blows me away. I also love "The Final Experiment" & I'm especially big on "Stream of Passion". If Arjen can slip away from whatever it is he was trying to do on "The Human Equation" I will be a happy man.

I don't understand why so many herald The Perfect Element as like the God of PoS albums? It is ok however there are too many slow chuggy songs and not enough versatility in the songs throughout. The first couple tracks are a little aggressive and upbeat; however, afterwards all of the songs start to have the same vibe. I really like Remedy Lane, there is so much versatility in it and the keyboard player gets plenty of recognition throughout the tracks as well. Maybe try that album out? I really like "BE"; however, I would not recommend it to a new PoS listener at all because it's so different and focused more on Gildenlow rather than PoS as a whole.
It's not a PoS thread, but i fail to see this "Perfect Element as like the God of PoS albums?" least from PoS fans... ;)
Every Pos album is uniqe at its way...
But to say to TPE "afterwards all of the songs start to have the same vibe" is a litlle bit not true :D just listen to last 4 songs...bla bla bla bla :)

Cheers ;)
The Ayreon song is pretty strange.

"Perfect Element" was the album that hooked me on PoS... it was my favorite album for a long time... "Remedy Lane" is excellent as well.. unfortunately, their last two albums have been mind-blowingly terrible.. I fear that these recent albums are so bad that they've actually made me like their previous material less
I don't want to change your opinion, but, did u just listen BE,or did u read the whole lyrics and get into the concept?
With Scarsick is almost the same problem of understanding the album, but in the smaller scale...
(Disqo Queen, Spitfall,America...)

I simply enjoy in everything that PoS makes, from concept,lyrics,music,originality :D ..

I have the new Ayreon album already, but I don't know what to think about it. Ok I love the voices from Daniel, Tom and Floor. Also I am not so familiar with the previous albums, but I have not a strong feeling about it yet. Arjen made a lot of songs and most of them are very much the same in a way. I miss a bit a strong highlight. Of course I like some parts, but that is more because of the singers than his songwriting.

I like the parts from Tom, especially the beginning of the album where he pushes you into the story in a way....I like Daniel from POS here; more soft and shy almost. I am a huge fan of POS, so I am not really objective hehe.

Nice detail, Arjen told me during an interview: all the singers choose their own symbol (standing for a alien) and Tom couldn't create one, so Arjen gave him the thunder due to his raw voice. More will follow soon;)