is vista stable yet?

honestly, i wish computers still came with xp pro. its what i have now and i like it. but they dont, not even as an option
Yeah, it can be hard to get a compy that doesn't have crap you don't want on it. That's why I want to build my next one from parts.

You might find a good XP machine if you search Amazon. Not sure if that's going to give you what you want hardware-wise though.
i'm kinda easy with hardware. i just want 4 gig of ram and a CD burner. the software is what pisses me off. i have no need for most of what comes with it. and some of which i cant uninstall like IE.

i think we should make this the generic computer bitching thread. if anyone has a rec for a good laptop that wont break the bank, help a brother out
^ You forgot one thing: people like to be able to run other programs on their computers too without it choking. The goal isn't just to have a computer that's good enough to run Vista alone. :lol:

With 2 GB of RAM on an XP machine, you could like scan for viruses, check your e-mail, surf the Internet, and play a high-end computer game all at once.

4gb of RAM is the new standard. Get with the fucking times. As I said, it might set you back twenty quid to get another 2gb of RAM. onoes. :rolleyes:

I've never had a problem with Vista and my computer runs nice and smoothly with a dozen programs open. With xp pro, however, I've had a dozen BSODs.
A lot of older computers don't even have that kind of capacity, but if you're getting a brand new one then I imagine it's tolerable. That doesn't mean it isn't still ridiculous that they would make an OS that fucking performance-intensive though. The OS is just there to help you run other programs.
Vista can't use all of 4GB btw.

I have 3GB RAM in my core 2 duo 2.4 Gz laptop and vista runs reasonably but it does generally kill itself if you try to multi task.
A game?

If I ran Left 4 Dead at the same time as browsing with 6 tabs open and listening to music on foobar 2000 I think this laptop would actually start crying and say no more I'm too big for her.
Vista can't use all of 4GB btw.

I have 3GB RAM in my core 2 duo 2.4 Gz laptop and vista runs reasonably but it does generally kill itself if you try to multi task.

Well if you use a crappy 32-bit version. 64-bit can recognise up to 128gb of RAM.

Btw, the first thing you do when you get a new pc is to wipe the HD, then have a clean install of your OS. Gets rid of crappy extras. That's what kills vista.

Oh, there's a couple of things you can do to disable memory-intensive visual themes.
I have Vista on my laptop, and it works fine. Granted, I usually have no more than three programs open at a time (IE, iTunes and Word), but I've had no trouble. I have 4GB as well; what kind of laptop did you decide on?
Ai, I've got 2gb it works fine.

Apparently Win 7 isn't too bad. Basically Vista, but a bit less processor consuming. Apparently you yanks can upgrade for free, or cheap or something? I dunno. I just know Europe is getting buttfucked by it.
Some of the Dell customizations allow you to upgrade to Windows 7 when it comes out. There are also some that allow you to have XP Pro installed and then upgrade to Vista whenever you feel like doing it. I almost opted for that, but I didn't obviously.