is yon_preppy going to the NYC myspace party Tom keeps spamming me about?

i dont know if i posted this, but i once said 'yea that guy mumia is so obviously guilty' just to totally upset and enrage my then boyfriend michael. he wanted to kill me. i totally ruined his 'hipster' cred in public.
oh, man, after living in philly for a year and going to a bunch of mumia rallies i got sick of that whole deal and figured yeah, he was probably guilty after all. someone at my agency was like "yeah, maybe he was, maybe he wasn't, but the point was he didn't get a fair trial!" and i was like "yeah, he acted like a seven-year-old asshole his whole trial long, so i think that was probably mostly his own fault, too" and they got pissed.
Did the lenses on his black rimmed glasses explode? Did his chuck taylors untie themselves?