ProgPower USA VIII DVD update?

I attempted to place an order with Lucid Lounge before on the first weekend of December, but the website would not allow me to order different packages in the same shipment. I could order multiple copies of the same package, but that's not what I wanted to do. I e-mailed them to see how we could go about getting the items shipped together, and they replied with, "We'll look into it." A month passed by, and I never heard from them. After e-mailing them again, I've waited another month only to get no response. I really don't understand why they couldn't get it together for this fest when it seemed to go much better the previous year.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Can't find the prior post.. but pretty sure he said March or April.. and he has no control over it... it is fully in the hands of Lucid Lounge studios

Fully understand Glenn has no control, but thought he might have some insight as to the status.

Last year we had status updates and teaser trailers. This year - nothing. So hence the question. :)
We're going to be on it, and I have been trying to get with Kent to pick the 2 songs, but he's been REALLY hammered busy. But I know he's been doing the editing and such. It's in the works....
I attempted to place an order with Lucid Lounge before on the first weekend of December, but the website would not allow me to order different packages in the same shipment. I could order multiple copies of the same package, but that's not what I wanted to do. I e-mailed them to see how we could go about getting the items shipped together, and they replied with, "We'll look into it." A month passed by, and I never heard from them. After e-mailing them again, I've waited another month only to get no response. I really don't understand why they couldn't get it together for this fest when it seemed to go much better the previous year.

Stay metal. Never rust.


I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same trouble that Met-Al and I are having?
Yeah - I emailed them after the fest because I got charged twice - and I have yet to hear anything from them. Even sent a follow up about a month or two later figuring that the time right after the fest may be busy. Never even received an acknowledgment that they received the email and would look in to it and at least tell me if they planned on sending two dvds or crediting me back for one.

At least some of you all have gotten responses - I'm here in limbo still :)
I just hope it turns out to be a good product :)
All I can tell you is that they are looking at very late spring release. You have to understand that they do this on the side, not as their main job. When they get hammered with other projects, this one takes a backseat. It's either that or have no product at all as I will not allow anyone else to film it.

If you do have problems with getting a response, email me so that I can forward your complaint. That is the best I can do.
I have to imagine that their profit margin on this DVD is low.

Glenn, did you decide what you were going to do with the all-star jam, if anything?