Iso Box Question for Andy or others


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I have an Iso Box that came with my HD setup and even with the fans that are supposed to suck the heat out my G4 gets really hot and the G4 cooling fan gets really loud.


The temperature inside can get into the 90's but even in the 80's the G4's fan starts getting hyper active after only a short period of time.

I am imagining that it can't be too good for it.

So I noticed Andy that you have the same Iso Box and your G4 is standing up in it at the bottom in one of your pics.


Did you do anything else to keep your G4 from overheating?

I have heard other people say their PC's have fried from the Iso Box's.

It's still hella quiet even when the fan is on high like that, but I don't know how safe it is for the G4.

Obviously I dont want to do any damage.

Any advice?