Isolation earphones/headphones


New Metal Member
Sep 10, 2003
Houghton, MI
I don't know of any better place to post this, after they killed the Opeth OT forum...

Do any of you use studio headphones or isolation earphones? Anything that totally blocks out external sound? I have a good pair of Grado SR60 headphones, but they don't block out external sound at all. I need something, preferably under $200, that's really good at blocking out sound. I'm willing to trade sound quality for isolation.
Yeah, I have Bose Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones, the first version. They're really cool. They're really good for drumming and the sound quality is nifty. They're down to $150 I think and the new ones are $300.
yay.. someone with the right idea...

i have been using just the foam ones for gigs for the last three years,
i went on tour with a band and sorely regretted at the time that i didnt cuz my hearing is defo a lot worse.

it disturbs me when i see small kids at gigs stood right next to the speakers cuz they arent old enough to realise the damage that can be caused.
cool and great that kids are there but the parents should be lookin out for them :D

i'll get off my high horse now