Isolation in prime time


One of the Ancients of UM
There used to be static. Static in the air, speeding across cities and towns, then hurtling upwards and into the infinity that is space. A blank visual white nolse that lasted for a brief moment. And then, in 5, 4, - to silent countdown with hand signals - 3, 2, 1: A test pattern appeared for a few scant seconds only to be replaced by images and words. Information, communication, entertainment, advertisement, instantanious.

Through the air, then through the wires, and eventually to the eye in the sky and back again. From colorless to technicolor to high definition. Truth, lies, education, misinformation, mock childcare, re-runs, mindlessness, video game consoles, big screen, flat screen, pay per view, networks, and local access. All to lead us to one question:

What are your three favorite T.V. shows of all-time?

Northern Exposure
Pickett Fences
I remember a picket fences episode about cryogenics, the kid with lukemia that wanted to be frozen, good show (that's all I remember though.

My favs (in order):

1) The Simpsons
Nothing will ever take this shows place for me, half of the laughs i've ever made in my life were related to this show in one way or another
2) Mickey Mouse
I grew up watching Mickey (not looney tunes :lol: ), I had a fear of tornadoes for years (until I was ten) (I also lived in tornado alley), from the mickey cartoon with the two tornadoes, scary!
3) Various Discovery Channel/TLC stuff, anytime something about space travel, anatomy, history or anything I like is on these channels I watch it.
Northern Exposure

I thought i was the only one i knew that loved this show. It comes on more than once a day now:spin:

For some strange reason i watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer everyday for a while there:grin:

The Adult Swim cartoons on cartoon network:
Home Movies
Space Ghost
The Brak Show
Sealab: 2021
Hunger Force