Issue 38 Feedback


Dec 19, 2001
Louisville KY
Jim, I finally got it! It took you a while but it was well worth the wait! I really dig the new format! It looks alot better! It also makes it seem like there is more info even though there is not!
Novembers Doom Interview Ruled!
Honestly though, I really wish you would go back to the old format of making an actual Zine! More pages, more interivews, & more reviews would Rule!
Keep up the good work! Looking forward to the next newsletter
as well as the other 2 you've promised to send out!
Thank you!

Assisting Sorrow - Extreme Melodic Metal
Gotta format looks very good! It does fuck up my neat stack of previous issues, though. :p

.....and content-wise, it's a real piece of shit. That is, based on the fact that MINE didn't contain any ProgPower 3.0 tickets!! :mad:

Aside from that, I can't complain!
One more comment.......
In some of the news & views segments, I think it's a bit difficult to differentiate between the news, and your comments/thoughts ON the news. Seems like the news should be seperated slightly from your comments. (example: the Gamma Ray news section........the news, and your comments are all one big paragraph). A "return" and maybe a few dots (...)proceeding your comments might make it a bit more pleasant to read.

Or, maybe I'm just being a picky bastard?? :D

Either way........the new format still looks great!
Originally posted by jageorge72
In some of the news & views segments, I think it's a bit difficult to differentiate between the news, and your comments/thoughts ON the news. Seems like the news should be seperated slightly from your comments. (example: the Gamma Ray news section........the news, and your comments are all one big paragraph). A "return" and maybe a few dots (...)proceeding your comments might make it a bit more pleasant to read.

I'll look into it.

Although generally, where things stop sounding like a great idea and start sounding like a bad idea would be where my comments start. heehee.

I'll pay more attention to that in the future though.
Agreed, the new format (I got mine yesterday, thanks Jim!) is very much easier to read. The booklike pages do miss the lone staple that would bind them together, though. Are staples a prohibitive cost, or too hard to apply during printing? I'm not trying to criticize in any way - I really think the new format is awesome. I love the black borders around the pages too.

As jageorge72 mentioned, the news bits do get confusing whether it's a press release or you talking. Admittedly the tone is very different, but maybe you can italicize your commentary to clarify any confusion? God forbid a journalist alter a press release to make it seem less like a fever dream and more like reality, but hey, them might get mad a remove you from the promo lists again ;).
Now and Forever,
NP: Tony Banks (with Fish), "Another Murder of a Day"...damnit, this song REFUSES to leave my head. It's a great song and all, but I have lots of new stuff I need to listen to...
New format... hmm, I'm not sure just yet (it arrived this morning!:)). I was a big fan of the previous layout, even if sometimes I did get confused about which page I was on :lol:

I'm sure I'll get used to it though. As for going back to a glossy mag format - nooooooo. LotFP is cool because of its current format, IMO!

That is all :)
Originally posted by llorenth
Agreed, the new format (I got mine yesterday, thanks Jim!) is very much easier to read. The booklike pages do miss the lone staple that would bind them together, though. Are staples a prohibitive cost, or too hard to apply during printing?

I am literally JUST ON THE EDGE of keeping the postage to one stamp (for the American subscribers, anyway) that even adding one extra sheet of paper causes the postage to be 23 more cents... and I suspect a staple would do the same. Would YOU pay another quarter to get a staple? I wouldn't. ;)
I dig the new format - feels more like a zine (whatever the fuck that means).

ND interview was good. I can see why being compared to 3 unlike bands could be annoying, but when said groups are some of the top sellers within the subgenre, I don't think he should view it as reviewers being lazy or disrespectful, but rather trying to get fans of the more well known bands to check out ND's shit. But hey - I understand his frustration... it does suck to be as good as ND and have to take the backseat most alla time.

I'm not of the opinion that Nu Metal is killing the underground, cuz as ya pointed out - commerical "Metal" has always been outselling the underground. To point out how the 80's were not the Golden Age, I saw Megadeth in Cleveland at the height of their MTV "Headbanger's Ball" glory ("Peace Sells" tour) and there were only 1,500 in attendance (this was the show where Overkill recorded the "Fuck You" ep - that dude yelling "Fuck you!" That was me!). I'm sure Motley Crue was filling 30,000 seaters at that time. C'est la Metal.

I thought you were awfully nice to the Zool dude - I seem to remember you pretty much hated that record when ya reviewed it ( but I could be wrong though, my memory being what it is).

At first, I thought the album was good but cribbed far too much from "Perfect Strangers" (no surprise after reading your interview)... but I do enjoy it now. However, I embrace sameness (when done well).

Which brings us to Dark Tranquillity - a band I've never been enthralled with in the first place... first place for me being 2000, when I finally got some of their shit. I like "Damage Done" because I think they did a good job capturing the old Gothenburg vibe while maintaining enough of their bloopy keyboard shiznit to keep things "modern." I do not miss the clean vox , and tend to think that their removal of them has pissed off you "progress or die" fuckers so much that the album as a whole is suffering due to it. I see no reason why they should feel bad for returning to a sound that they helped create. But then I like Motorhead and AC/DC.

I dunno. In a genre where everybody gets rip shit over a band for getting softer, it's amusing to see people get pissed when a heavy band that lightens up goes back to being heavy. Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't.

Mebbe they shoulda waited another 5 years - then they coulda pulled a Halford.

Regarding Nocturnal Rites, I felt that "Afterlife" was a monumental step backwards for them, and nothing at all progressive. Dropping the stellar solos in effort to streamline the structure and doing the Beezlebub lyrics didn't strike me as anything worth persuing to begin with. Zackrisson, why infinitely inferior to Lindqvist in terms of ability, had ten times the heart and conviction. The band will never be what it once was, but I for one was happy to hear Nils attempt to capture some of the exquisite soloing magic he displayed on earlier discs (particularly "The Sacred Talisman" which has some of the finest melodic soloing ever).

I haven't heard anything by Into Eternity, but I'm definitely intrigued now.

I don't remember anything about Lillian Axe... they must have been posers. :)

And regarding the back cover - you are definitely far more a nerd than Symphony X, because you write about music rather than play it.
Just registered but have been lurking for a while. I've been subscribing since PP2. Lots of good stuff in each issue. Don't sweat the timing of mailing them out. I'd rather you fill them with worthwhile text than fluff just to meet some arbitrary schedule.

New format is cooler than the previous. Easier to keep track of pages as stated above. Seems dumb, but it's also easier to read under the ceiling fans we have here in Arizona because the pages are less likely to blow around. :)

I'm being way nit-picky here but, I often read in front of the computer so I can go listen to the sounds while I read. Unfortunately, the links don't always work. Like this issue #38, the At The Gates and Dark Tranquility lead no where. I know it's more work for you, but can you verify these links before printing them or provide a link to someplace we can hear the music?
Originally posted by Deviation
I'm being way nit-picky here but, I often read in front of the computer so I can go listen to the sounds while I read. Unfortunately, the links don't always work. Like this issue #38, the At The Gates and Dark Tranquility lead no where. I know it's more work for you, but can you verify these links before printing them or provide a link to someplace we can hear the music?

I usually do verify the links... and I just looked at what I put in the issue and went to both DT and AtG's sites as listed and they came up for me...
Sorry, I'm an idiot. On the DT address, I missed the little link at the bottom about "If you looking for the band..."

The At The Gates site has all the sounds offline. Is there another source so that I can get a earful?