Issue #40 and notes...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland

The graphics (logos and the album cover I put on the back of the thing) look like crap again.

Luckily, the text is MAGNIFICENT!

But I found out the issue with the pictures... going to Kinkos self serve is more expensive (but convenient if I finish up at 3am and don't want to travel, heh), but the copies come out much cleaner.

Going to OfficeMax is cheaper, I have to travel a little more (oh boo hoo, right?), and the big mondo copier just spits em out a bit more messy-like. Hmm.

I'll be seeing if there's a way around that problem for next issue for sure, but now that I know it's the reproduction at that end and not anything I'm doing with my 'master copy' output, I can try to work with it.

Anyway, this issue was mailed out a couple days back, and contains a Summer Dying interview that runs about three and a half pages, lots of ripping on stupid black metal bands, some ripping on bad power metal, some good albums reviewed too, Roman Temin's debut column and it's not a "hello, it's me!" thing, and what just may be the first review worldwide of the upcoming Immolation album... I don't even know that the promos have been pressed yet so if that's the case, hopefully the label will be a bit surprised. A fun issue, overall.
That sucks that the graphics are printing dark..........that's the main reason I subscribe! :p

Really enjoyed Matthew Harper's intro & review! Very well written, and a great attitude towards music!! More people should demand that from their music, and the scene wouldn't be cluttered with so much shit. Liked how the review was broken down into parts like that....pretty cool.

Looking forward to Roman's column!!