Issue with Saffire Pro 24 (might extend to other interfaces too)


Jul 5, 2009
Portland, OR
Since I can't seem to find a Focusrite help forum:

I can still hear sound playing out of my monitors (HS80Ms) when my monitor volume knob is at zero. I have to press either the dim or mute button in order to actually mute the speakers. They're set to +4 dB on the back, which seems to be the neutral setting? If I set the back volume knob to minimum, the issue goes away, but then I can barely get any volume out of them with the Saffire's volume adjustment.

Anything I can do or that I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
Well I assume even on the lowest setting the volume knob isn't on -∞ dB so there's still sound. I just don't really see the problem, honestly.
Just press the mute button if you want to mute them?

(Yes, +4dBu it the standard studio level)
Oh, the actual annoyance is that at night I use my headphones instead of my monitors. The mute button mutes both the monitor and headphone outputs, and it'd be nice to have silent monitors while still being able to hear through my cans.
Oh, the actual annoyance is that at night I use my headphones instead of my monitors. The mute button mutes both the monitor and headphone outputs, and it'd be nice to have silent monitors while still being able to hear through my cans.
Haha oh sorry, that's actually a good reason. I didn't think the monitors were still that loud?
Even with headphones with open construction, if the volume is somewhere decently low the monitors still playing doesn't bother me.
The way I read your post, there was still "something" audible very low through the monitors, which is normal.. and a bit annoying if you want absolute silence and don't wear any headphones. I don't own either the Saffire or the HS80s, so perhaps someone else has some insight / workaround.

You could buy a monitor controller (for example: to control the monitors volume and not affect the headphones I guess.
Oh, the actual annoyance is that at night I use my headphones instead of my monitors. The mute button mutes both the monitor and headphone outputs, and it'd be nice to have silent monitors while still being able to hear through my cans.

If you learn to use saffire mix control properly this IS NOT the case.... Not being a dick here but you are bitching about things that are perfectly normal AND adjustable. The problem is you never RTFM ....

So do yourself a favor are RTFM (if you don't know that's READ THE FUCKING MANUAL)
You could either just turn the monitors off or change the routing in the saffire mix control so that no signal is being sent to them, and still use the headphones.
You could either just turn the monitors off or change the routing in the saffire mix control so that no signal is being sent to them, and still use the headphones.

WRONG! ........ Video Tutorial incoming.

If you guys learned to read the maual you would know the Saffire has more routing options then ANY interface on the planet. Video is uploading to YouTube from my phone so bare with me its gonna be a bit before I can post it.
Actually it's not wrong, it works, and takes about 5 seconds.
If my active monitors aren't being used, then why would I leave them on?
The Abrasiveness was not unsolicited. You came in here complaining about something before reading the manual and claiming to was broken. This is how false information spreads on the internet. Say some kid having the same problem as you just reads your post, now hes going to go tell his friends his interface is a piece of shit when in fact its one of the top 5 pro-sumer interfaces on the planet.

Think about it ;)

And you are welcome :P
Letting the douchebagery aside, my saffire does the same (playing audio even when the monitors' volume is set to 0), so I guess it is normal.