Issue with the final mix of Domination?

How pedantically do you all listen to songs? ZOMG I HAERD A LEAF CRUNCH AT 4.64 DURING TEH BASS SOLO I thought these fanboyisms were reserved for Opeth followers only :lol:
The intentional pauses are fuckin' badass... *silence* then choir "OH" and the band starts slaying away once again... love it. As for the "click", I hear it too. Damn! Now that I know it's there, I can't not notice it, lol.
okay I finally listened to this, it is not a click, it's more like a thump. could be from the drums or something hitting a mic. and it's not a big deal either, who fucking cares.
you guys are on's clearly at 3:27 :)

3:26, even.

I had never noticed this before, but it's definitely there. I can see why I didn't notice it. It doesn't sound like a digital click (like missing bytes in the audio stream, which I would definitely hear), but actually like the sort of noise that I'd expect from a bad spot on a vinyl record. It really sounds analog in origin. I'm thnking Jason Rullo accidentally hit a microphone and it somehow got left in the mix-- probably because he didn't miss a beat with the drumming as a result of it!