Issues with bass guitar / tone knob.


Apr 11, 2006
Yes, I know ultimately this is my fault and should have picked up on it during tracking but didnt, so now need to find a way to fix it.

I recently tracked a band in the studio and was doing bass guitar - The guitar was just DI'ed, the amp he brought was shocking, couldnt even DI out of that cos it was noisy as fuck. Anyway, we tracked two songs with a pretty sick tone, took a break, then came back and tracked another 4.

Now while going over the tracks to start mixing, Ive noticed that during the break, the bassist changed where his tone knob was sitting. Fucking annoying. The bass doesnt sound unbelievably shit after but definitely doesnt sound as good as it did before.

Anyone know any way to fix this? Apart from tracking everything again...

If needed I can post some clips.

This seems to happen to me a lot. Get the bass sounding good and during a pause or between songs the bass player twiddles with the eq knobs and/or the pickup knob. Even if you catch them doing it, who knows where the sweet spot went. And even worse, you don't catch it like in your case.

I would try to find a long note or something on a before and after di track and then compare the two. Try eqing the after one to get as close as possible to the before one. I don't think there's much else you can do bar retracking.

Or distort it into fuckery so that it doesn't matter any more.
Yeah the change in tone sounds almost as if a very subtle (and stationary) wah was introducted - Hopefully I can boost and sweep with and EQ to find matching frequencies and take them out... Hopefully it should turn out alright.

But fuck, the bass tone is so sick! Fucking bassists...
Hey, the tone knob is just a high shelv eq. try boosting / cutting with a high shelv eq in your daw.
You can put a low pass at 4k and slide it backwards towards 1k and see if you notice anything missing. If you don't, then put it on and that will even things up a little (hopefully.)

But, the only way to truly fix it will be to retrack the song (in most of these cases, in my experience.)
I know it sounds rather noobish, but maybe (if you have it) try CurveEq'ing the first bass tracks and then matching it to the others and see how it goes?

But yeah, if you need it darker :
Hey, the tone knob is just a high shelv eq. try boosting / cutting with a high shelv eq in your daw.
is probably be the way to go.
Hey, the tone knob is just a high shelv eq. try boosting / cutting with a high shelv eq in your daw.

Only on an instrument with an active eq (maybe this was mentioned in the OP, if so apologies, I skimmed :D), otherwise it's just a treble cut