It just gets better....

They get Grammys and Governors awards for their latest shit album. This makes it obvious how worthless these awards are, especially the Grammys. I mean, yea, the Governors award is probably for their whole career, but they should have gotten it after the black album if anything.

Lars thinks AJFA is unlistenable, and that Stanger(said as one word) is challanging and overwhelming. Yea buddy, it's overwhelmingly BAD!
Well lars is an elf. But don;t you guys have anything better to do :points at officer friendly: than to come on here and rip on metallica all day. Jeez man give it a fucking break. Your hands will become arthritic! You sound like a fat fuck who sits on,,, all fucking day waitiing for something to bitch about. And your so fucking dense in the head that you believe everything you read. Mustaine was a fucking dopehead! And an asshole to boot. He's the shittiest fucking vocalist of our generation so stop singing his praises! Thank God he got kicked out of metallica. James wasn't big on doing the vocals. But thank God he did! If mustaine did the vox t would be downright cacophony! As far as exodus goes. Wtf, Why would kirk need to steal the riffs he fucking created?!? Get your head out of your ass you metallica anti-fan boy. Your the opposite extreme.
Oh and P.S who the fuck cares what lars says? James is the fucking braintrust of the band. That's why on the tour only 2 songs from st anger are being played while usually 4 songs are froM and justice for all.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Well lars is an elf. But don;t you guys have anything better to do :points at officer friendly: than to come on here and rip on metallica all day. Jeez man give it a fucking break. Your hands will become arthritic! You sound like a fat fuck who sits on,,, all fucking day waitiing for something to bitch about. And your so fucking dense in the head that you believe everything you read. Mustaine was a fucking dopehead! And an asshole to boot. He's the shittiest fucking vocalist of our generation so stop singing his praises! Thank God he got kicked out of metallica. James wasn't big on doing the vocals. But thank God he did! If mustaine did the vox t would be downright cacophony! As far as exodus goes. Wtf, Why would kirk need to steal the riffs he fucking created?!? Get your head out of your ass you metallica anti-fan boy. Your the opposite extreme.

First of all, your spelling and grammar is atrocious. Seek Remedial English.
Second, I spend lots of time online because I do all of my trading and such
online at E* This is why I am always online.
As long as they pay off, I don't need to work, so eat my ass.
Third, My hands will become arthritic? You are so dumb. There are 2 kinds of
Arthritis. The first kind is called Rheumatoid Arthritis and the second kind is
called Osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis involves inflammation of the
joints and results from the body's abnormal attack on the joints, not from
overuse of joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is most commonly diagnosed in
people ages 25 to 50, but can affect people of all ages, including babies.

Therefore, using a keyboard won't give me Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, affecting more than
21 million Americans. It is also called "degenerative joint disease" and
most often involves the weight-bearing joints. The disorder results from
mechanical joint damage -- whether from long-term "wear and tear" or
previous injury. Osteoarthritis usually is diagnosed in people older than
40. Nearly everyone over 70 has osteoarthritis in at least one joint, but
not all develop symptoms.

Therefore, using a keyboard won't give me Osteoarthritis.

Perhaps you are thinking about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which is very common
with High Tech Professionals who use a keyboard for prolonged periods of time
and I've already gotten it, but it was diagnosed early so I was able to relieve
the pressure on the the symptoms disappeared.

Fourth, I'm dense? You allege I believe everything I read and you go on to talk
about Dave Mustaine in a negative light with all of the things everyone knows
about him. Do you know Dave Mustaine? Are you a long-time friend of his?
If not, you should shut the fuck up? ...because you're now believing what you

Regarding Exodus, "Die By His Hand" was not on the Exodus demo they
recorded with Kirk. Those songs were "Whipping Queen", "Death and
Domination" and "Warlords." I know because I own the demo, biatch.
"Die By His Hand" was written after the demo and shortly before Kirk left to
join Metallica in 1983. Gary Holt was the other guitar player in the band
and very well could have written the riff. Also, I mentioned they plagerised
lyrics. Did Kirk write the lyrics too? You are so stupid.

You are one of the dumbest little shits I've ever seen a post from.
Next time you post to me, which I doubt I'll even take a second glance at, take
my advice and borrow someone else's brain. Yours is defective.

The most embarassing thing in the world is to be a Metallica fanboy and you
most certainly fit the profile. You know all of those Metallica websites, none of
which I know of, except because the URL is so elementary,
which is also where you belong junior...Elementary School.
You are such a loser.
Hey O Dippy! Stfu you fucking queer! What words in my post were spelled incorrectly? I don;t proofread my damn posts! But after seeing your retort I went ahead and checked it! there were no errors what's so fucking ever! And I dont need a damn fucking history on arthritus! We know you got your case from one too many self imposed reach arounds! Fucking cumgobbler you need a slappy meal to shut your face! And the funniest fucking thing of it all is. After a 2,000 rant on my spelling... You're so fucking dumb that you post the same post twice! What a fucking dipshit!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Well lars is an elf. But don;t you guys have anything better to do :points at officer friendly: than to come on here and rip on metallica all day. Jeez man give it a fucking break. Your hands will become arthritic! You sound like a fat fuck who sits on,,, all fucking day waitiing for something to bitch about. And your so fucking dense in the head that you believe everything you read. Mustaine was a fucking dopehead! And an asshole to boot. He's the shittiest fucking vocalist of our generation so stop singing his praises! Thank God he got kicked out of metallica. James wasn't big on doing the vocals. But thank God he did! If mustaine did the vox t would be downright cacophony! As far as exodus goes. Wtf, Why would kirk need to steal the riffs he fucking created?!? Get your head out of your ass you metallica anti-fan boy. Your the opposite extreme.
Well, your monster is dumb. Please feel free to come back when you've passed the 6th grade. Adios.

NP: Evergrey - The Inner Circle
this guy is nothing but a joke.... you guys need to learn how to see the funny part in it...
he goes to every forum and trash the place and usually leaves after 2-3 posts...
he's a funny retarded man, nothing more.