
New Metal Member
Jun 23, 2005
Hehe, so here I am, sitting in the public library, and I think to myself "Wow, you know, it would be really cool if I just started blowing streams of snot out of my nose and cover everything". Lol, I think I've been on for longer than 30 minutes, wonder if there gunna kick me off? Muahaha!

Yeah, so I was the only white dude at this all black biker bar somewhere in the deep south, and Im trading shots with the bar owner (who was a freakin cool dude who could hold his own). We finish the gin and then we finish the vodka (no whiskey :erk: but what do you expect lol) and we stumble out side. After telling all the fine sisters present exactly what we were going to do to them, we stumble off to get a bottle of moonshine. If you get the chance, drink some mountain water and you'll know what Im talking about. Easily the BEST fuckin alchohol this piece pf trash has ever had the honor of drinking.

Still in the midwest area :headbang:

Loser / Winner is fine. Been busy getting stoned, drunk, and laid.

LOL oh yeah, some dipshit fuck faced faggot banned my Winner account. It was great, he wrote me this long PM detailing my inflamitory posts and told me to straighten up. My response? "Go suck a dick, Bitch."

Later bitches.
I don't know what you did to get banned, but just maybe you deserved it in other places ;) Dunno if Deron is the only one that can ban people, but he's a ultra cool dude...

Anyway, we're glad to have you back here :)
I think you have found (made) yourself a new thread to post any off topic ramblings in :)
Lol couldnt care less if I deserved it or not. All I know is the admin from the oldschool board is a fuckin cock sucking dork who needs to be beaten with a rotten bag of assholes ripped from fat old people. Hes the one who banned me hehe

Sweet jesus the new Nevermore disk is fucking awesome. Track 5 is the best.

Well, its almost 11, I think Im gunna have a couple shots of whiskey, chug a few beers, pop in Death Race 2000 and smoke weed until I pass out.

Later you ugly ape fuckers
I just checked who the admins are there..... they're both good friends of mine hahaha!! The girl is just an online friend, but the guy I've known for over 20 years, we come from the same city. He even taught me how to headbang back then, he's metal to the bone. And a damn good teacher and works with pretty difficult kids, so if you got banned by him I know you deserved it hehehe! But, not that you care...... ;)

From Nevermore I've only heard low quality samples, but so far it kicks ass! :headbang:
Lol right on :D

Yeah, there is a full release version floating around with great quality. Its one of those albums that give you goosebumps and shit. I still need to get the remastered Enemies of Reality.
the new nevermore is amazing. easily gonna make my top 3 for the year. track 5 is excellent, its the sequel to the song The Learning.