it might be too early but....


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
What songs from the new cd will most likely make the set list? What songs from previous cds will remain on the set list?

I am curious to hear from the band members along with opinions of fellow fans of what they might enjoy hearing.

I saw David do one of these on his Woods of ypres forum so I figured it would be cool to do it here as well:goggly: :rock:
Well, just from what we've talked about recently, the only 2 songs on the new CD we most likely won't do live is Twilight Innocence, and Leaving This, only because of the inability to be able to pull it off live, correctly. Twilight Innocence would require more or less an acoustic set, and Leaving This would be pretty epic, and the ending would be tough to pull off perfectly. Other then that, the other 6 are fair game. We currently play Rain and Drown the Inland Mere, and began rehearsing 2 others.

In the future, if time permits, you'll hear one song from Sculptured, one from The Knowing, one from Fade, and the rest will be from Pale Haunt and Novella.

Im rambling now. hahaha

Anyway, what do YOU guys want to hear live? I'm sure I'm opening up a can of worms here for Will to be stupid with. haha
OK Paul, YOU asked!! :)

With Rue and Fire
Forever with Unopen Eye
The Jealous Sun
Silent Tomorrow
Harmony Divine
Autumn Reflection
Dark World Burden
The Pale Haunt Departure
Drown the Inland Mere
The Voice of Failure
They Were Left to Die
Wish You Were Here
Aurora's Garden
Tears of the Beautiful
With Rue & Fire
Suffer the Red Dream
Shadows of Light
Silent Tomorrow
Within My Flesh
Dark Fields for Brilliance
The Pale Haunt Departure
Dark World Burden
The Novella Reservoir
Drown the Inland Mere
They Were Left to Die

:) I know anything from "Amid" isn't possible, buy hey, YOU