It seems that no one has asked this yet.


I'm pretty sure no one has actually asked this yet on the forum.. and if they have, sorry, but I must ask again..

Toby, what are the plans for the next album? Have you begun writing new stuff, or are you planning to record soon? I heard a rumer a long time ago that you were planning to release another cd some time next year. Is this still a possibility, or is all hope gone because all you guys are NOW ADDICTED TO THE UM FORUMS!!! (which isn't a bad thing... :))
i think they said there are some drums and guitar lines recorded...and that's all...
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
I'm pretty sure no one has actually asked this yet on the forum.. and if they have, sorry, but I must ask again..

Toby, what are the plans for the next album? Have you begun writing new stuff, or are you planning to record soon? I heard a rumer a long time ago that you were planning to release another cd some time next year. Is this still a possibility, or is all hope gone because all you guys are NOW ADDICTED TO THE UM FORUMS!!! (which isn't a bad thing... :))

Hey, I just switched my addiction to a different board pal.
yeah, we're recording now. should be finished by June, promos should be out by July, album should be out by next fall. mp3's, of course, will be spread around the internet in June.
Bath/LYBM took something like 9 months recording (on a pretty sparse schedule) and about 1 year from the first rehearsals with Toby and I. The recording schedule (so far) looks to be even more sparse, so yeah about a year...

and the double album came out a little over a year ago.
I'd like that long-range schedule much better. With our new one, we had a total of 17 studio days for recording- which we went over by a couple days. Much of it was all at once in November (nojokesplzthx), and the bass and finishing percussion, keys & vox in March (or Feb). With all of it thrown in there at once, you don't really get a chance to take the stuff home and let it settle in your head to come up with more ideas to add to it, which I love to do. Sure, I know we're supposed to do that all ahead of time with demos and stuff, but realistically, things change in the studio and it helps me to have time to think of new ideas to add to the mix.
And for a band with 8 or so people, I can totally see personal scheduling conflicts stretching the plan out.
Also, if you throw in the studio's schedule (esp. if you're working at a studio where you're friends with them and they can get you in cheaper or something but you have to bend around what they have time for), and it's that much harder to complete things in a timely fashion.
Yeah fair enough... Would (or are) you guys considering tackling the double album idea again?

But I agree with demonspell, I can certainly wait. Bath/LYBM took a hell of a long time for me to absorb, to listen to and to enjoy... And I'm still not sick of it, and I doubt I will ever tire of the album.. So seeing it takes so long to listen to, I can imagine it takes a long time to record it too.

Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826)