it seems that we'll face another war soon


Aug 10, 2002
i saw on tv that white house gave bush afirmative answer to launch an attack against iraque...


i really hate these politicians:(
Well the White House (i.e. the Bush Administration) probably gave him the idea in the first place. It's the congress that gets to mull it over, for whatever that's worth. I'm glad that Daschle, Kennedy, and (again for what it's worth) Al Gore are vehemently speaking out against another Iraqi war, but I fear the Stand By Your Man (read: bestow carte blanche to bomb brown people) attitude of the majority of congress will have more say. Lord knows *THE REST OF THE FUCKING WORLD* aren't making a dent in Bush's foreign policy.
Eh, all I can say is "good". I mean, obviously it's the farthest thing from "good", but I can't think of an alternative that isn't much worse, so...

Al Gore is such a twat. He's making me sorry I swung my vote to him instead of Nader at the last minute. He's the biggest fucking anti-Iraqi hawk in the Senate for ages and now he's reversing all his stances for sheer political reasons.

The government has gone from a super-solidarity-without-thinking mode to a contrariness-without-thinking mode. The Democrats should be leaning on Bush to handle this war the right way (more trying to get the Iraqis on board instead of just bombing the fuck out of them, for example), or at the very least getting Bush to concede some important domestic issues in return for more flexibility ("We'll back you, George, but ABANDON YOUR STUPID FUCKING TAX CUTS"). Instead, they're sniping and complaining and throwing up roadblocks without adding anything constructive.

There was a good cartoon in the New Yorker last week depicting two Congressman walking near the Capitol, one saying to the other, "Well, of course I'm in favor of a war. I just want to be asked nicely."
this calls for.......
