
Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
OK this was posted before but I hate responding to a thread that is several pages long...
I saw this worthless band on Uranium and their interview was a disgrace. Those of you who haven't seen it and ask what they did, it was horrible. When Julia (who I'm not fond of either, she seems like a bitch but she's hot) asked a simple question about the band, they wouldn't answer and gave her a smart ass comment on every single question she asked. The guitar player acted like a total rockstar and was too cocky to answer even the simplest question. I wanted to punch my TV watching this, she asked why are you being dicks when we're doing this interview, which is all to support you. They said she didn't understand what was going on and she should leave. I HATE THEM. I hate them for making their stupid song about hating Bush, which it doesn't matter if you're Republican or Democrat or for the war or against the war, he's still our president and if we don't rally around him and our wonderful country then fuck off. They were too cool to answer any questions and acted like total dicks. I almost bought their new album, but now no way. I hope they lost a lot of fans because of this, I will never support them. Now on the other hand every time I've met Anthrax, Scott, John, Charlie, and Frank, they we're the nicest people I've ever met and its obvious they appreciate their fans, I'll support them forever. When will bands figure it out...
I know what your saying. Who makes a song about hating the president? It's total BS. I'm so tired of people acting like they can say anything. Like they have the right. Like they have the 1st ammendment right. Like people have gone to war and faught for that right. Who do these fuckes think they are to talk about our unquestioned ruler and lord, Mr. George W? Seriously? How unamerican it is to voice your opinion. It's very unamerican.
I am glad someone spoke the truth:Smug:

Not only do I have to like a band's music, but:

1) They better be nice people. I don't like to hang around with people who aren't nice

2) They better be Republicans. It's not enough for all branches of the government to be republican. Bands I like better be too.

3) If they aren't republican, they better not be political because I am just looking for entertainment.

4) I want to know where they get their ideas from. If they don't tell me, I get mad.

5) I am more important than the band and should be able to decide their line-ups.

That's it for now. I am going to listen to my Menudo collection now.
sufferer said:
he's still our president and if we don't rally around him and our wonderful country then fuck off.
Theodore Roosevelt is rolling in his grave
I hate Menudo. Those jerks couldn't even talk to me in english. All they talked about was Mexico this, Mexico that. I refuse to give another of my hard earned dollars to Menudo.
sufferer said:
OK this was posted before but I hate responding to a thread that is several pages long...
I saw this worthless band on Uranium and their interview was a disgrace. Those of you who haven't seen it and ask what they did, it was horrible. When Julia (who I'm not fond of either, she seems like a bitch but she's hot) asked a simple question about the band, they wouldn't answer and gave her a smart ass comment on every single question she asked. The guitar player acted like a total rockstar and was too cocky to answer even the simplest question. I wanted to punch my TV watching this, she asked why are you being dicks when we're doing this interview, which is all to support you. They said she didn't understand what was going on and she should leave. I HATE THEM. I hate them for making their stupid song about hating Bush, which it doesn't matter if you're Republican or Democrat or for the war or against the war, he's still our president and if we don't rally around him and our wonderful country then fuck off. They were too cool to answer any questions and acted like total dicks. I almost bought their new album, but now no way. I hope they lost a lot of fans because of this, I will never support them. Now on the other hand every time I've met Anthrax, Scott, John, Charlie, and Frank, they we're the nicest people I've ever met and its obvious they appreciate their fans, I'll support them forever. When will bands figure it out...

:p :p :tickled:
Politics and music should just stay away from each other. I think its freakin rediclous how many people have made tons of money by writing a song that says "the govt lies", "the prez lies", "war is wrong", come on people this kinda stuff has been around for years. These are "No Shit Sherlock" issues.

Try something creative. Maybe make some music that is, i dunno... fun?
It is very rare that I like anything new in music. Its too dreary, too pesimistic.
The world is really not that bad. Yes bad things happen, govts are corrupt.
But I'm sick of hearing about in every song. Is it too much to ask?