It was a two concert weekend

Feb 11, 2002
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On friday I went an hour north and saw Graves. He was the singer on the last two Misfits album, the drumer on those albums, Dr Chud, was also in his band. The venue was a small club but the show kicked ass. The bar also had buck drafts!! Nothing good on tap but for a buck mich amber is good enough. He played a ton of the misfits stuff and about 5 or 6 songs off his own cd. I dont think he is signed but you gan get his disc at the the show. The disc kicks ass.
Then on saturday I went to the Social Distortion show in cincinnati. As usual they kicked ass to a packed house. So after many many beers and little sleep and lots of cash out the window its back to work tomorrow. Until wednesday when I make the trip back to cincinnati for the Nashville Pussy show. I have seen them three other times and I know it will be fun, If anyone gets the chance to check them out you should. This show is only 5 bucks. I promise you will not see a better 5 dollar show all year.
Originally posted by blakmetalemp
I wanna see Social D so bad, but they never seem to come to the south east.
Yes it's rare when they come. I know of twice. Once in New Orleans at the Rendon Inn about 6 years ago (kick ass show!). And once on the Warped Tour in Panama City Beach, FL about 3 years ago.
@Cincy: You got to see Social D just recently? Last fall when they played here in NYC 3 straight sold-out shows, Mike Ness announced that would be their last tour to the Northeast as they were finally calling it quits to pursue other avenues. Did they mention anything about this?
TD, Graves was in Dayton ohio at a club called 1470 West. They said on July 31st that he will be in columbus I think its a bar called Buddies. He has a web site that you gan get the info at. If you can make it go because it was a lot of fun. I would go again but on that day the warped tour will be in cincinnati and I'm going to that.
Markgugs, Yup I saw them at a club called Bogarts in Cincinnati on June 15th. They didn't mention anything about calling it quits, he did say next spring there will be a new social d record and that they would be back after that.
PS Keep Fighting the world.