Itchy penis

This can be caused by several things. For starters when you whack your meat whistle, are you using a hypo alergenic lubericant? Perhaps as D.D stated. Your girl has a yeast infection and spread it to you. If that is the case, smear yogurt all over your junk for an hour, then let your lady friend lick it off (double the pleasure). Worse case scenario is it may start to bleed. If so apply rubbing alchol and see a Doctor imediatly...
Dr. Prime M.D of M.M.A
*slowly reaches for the Icy Hot*

:rock: Damn dude stop spanking the monkey........ Seriously do you work with hydrolic fluid at all???? If you took a leak with that shit on your hands it can cause a problem.

Next time get a high class hooker:tickled:
Coconut lotion is good for itchy willies apparently. I just asked my boss, I bet your glad that your penis is being discussed by middle aged women in the deepest darkest depths of Glasgow!
Ragamuffin said:
Exactly how does a conversation simply drift to someone elses penis with your boss?

"As these sales figures clearly show, over the last three months, sales have know, this guy I know on the internet has an itchy penis. Anyway, sales have been climbing steadily..."
