Its another rate my 5150 tone thread....

i prefer the 1st one...the fizz isn't all that bad. in fact, it does add some character. the 2nd one sounds lifeless and sterile to my ears.
btw, the bass is waaay too loud...maybe you should mix the gtrs more upfront, it sounds kinda distant right now...but this isn't about the mix but the guitar tone ;)
Keiffer said:
I thought the first two sound just fine. nice and full. a good bit of verb or room.

if you like it that's all that matters. :kickass:

thnks keif!

Nebulous said:
Haha, thats crazy, the fizzy one is a bit too fizzy, but it adds heavy character, so the clip that isnt fizzy just seems a bit flat. Go for something in between and your there :p I like it though, gets pretty close to a recto- for a 5150.

haha, definitely sound click for teh win :p Right then, time to set the EQ's exactly in between the two clips lmao.

Fragle said:
i prefer the 1st one...the fizz isn't all that bad. in fact, it does add some character. the 2nd one sounds lifeless and sterile to my ears.
btw, the bass is waaay too loud...maybe you should mix the gtrs more upfront, it sounds kinda distant right now...but this isn't about the mix but the guitar tone ;)

I've got four tracks man, R100, L100, R80, L80- so what would you recommend, perhaps Pulling the 80's in to 60's?
i fear you're playing the riff wrong i'm sure the tail at the end of the riff is all palm muted in the original, apart from the chord at the end, and also the last riffs i believe have a lead part as well, that follows the bass line.

Edit: That said, the tone seems ok, but the guitars overwhelm the mix a little i feel, nudge em down .5db each?
cobhc said:
i fear you're playing the riff wrong i'm sure the tail at the end of the riff is all palm muted in the original, apart from the chord at the end, and also the last riffs i believe have a lead part as well, that follows the bass line.

Edit: That said, the tone seems ok, but the guitars overwhelm the mix a little i feel, nudge em down .5db each?

Yeh i play the riff wrong, adding less dampening :p My own little slant on it ey :lol: (not bothered doing the lead parts altho its one of the only metallica songs i do know the whole damn thing :zombie: )

Nudging the guitars down as we speak...

Nudged down .75 stevey boy!
well, not exactly :lol: i prefered the first one over the second version, but i think the whole thing really benefited from pulling the gtrs more upfront...but then again, i like my gtrs LOUD...
and i still think the fizz in the 1st version wasn't all that bad...slam it with a tubescreamer and it would probably be just fine
Fragle said:
well, not exactly :lol: i prefered the first one over the second version, but i think the whole thing really benefited from pulling the gtrs more upfront...but then again, i like my gtrs LOUD...
and i still think the fizz in the 1st version wasn't all that bad...slam it with a tubescreamer and it would probably be just fine

see kev, stop fucking about and buy a ts!
don't laugh, even the low end ts-7 (the tonelock series) sounds pretty damn good...i haven't A/B'd it with a real maxon unit, but when put up again a ts9 the difference is hardly audible imho...certainly insignificant for live and low end studio use - for a pro recording i'd prefer a high end version, of course ;)
it's also pretty cheap, like 40 euro or something...