It's Been a Long Time Comin'.... the Official RC GUNS N' ROSES Thread

Kiss is the Nascar of music.



Skid Row
Def Leppard
Motley Crue

I can only remember one Ratt song though :blush:

GNR are technically great put I got fed up of having to put up with a whole summer of them four years ago so I only listen to them...once every six months? I'm also sick of having kids who don't listen to Metal trying to get into my good books by telling me about how much they like Guns N Roses. I don't care. But I must admit, they have good songs. Use Your Illusion II is ace.
So I've spent the day listening to Use Your Illusion I & II, and while these albums were never quite perfect, they sure haven't lost any luster over the years. Pretty amazing how much ass they still kick, particularly Slash.

Haha, these two albums were part of the first 4 CDs I ever owned, in 1991. Cool.
awesome: Last week Axl Rose reportedly refused to go on stage in Newcastle until he had been fed a full roast lamb dinner. Notoriously unreliable UK tabloid The Mirror quoted the venue manager saying, “only a roast dinner would do.” More credible sources confim that this was the same performance that featured Rose getting pelted by some bottles. Coincidence? You be the judge.
What a putz. Still looking forward to the new album, because I highly enjoy that IRS song.

It doesn't even seem that big a deal in comparison to other primadona stories I've heard, many of which were about Axl herself.

:danceboy: <-- I can't get over the crappiness of this fuck sometimes.