It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

I didn't say she was mean I said the was the nicest cat in the world!

I only had flash on cause her eyes were already closed. :loco:

And I forgot to take it off. >_> She really is a nice cat though. I was terribly car sick and she kept checking on me.
omg i totally read "NOT the nicest cat in the world" :lol: sorry, my eyes are awesome.

taupe usually sleeps in my bed/room now and when i woke up around 4 this morning, really nauseous, i staggered into the bathroom and then back to my bed and once i got in bed taupe comes over to the head of my bed and started nuzzling me and pawing at me, which he never normally does.
sleepy taupe:
taupe just comes in and flops over on the bed or floor and just sleeps for the whole day. lilly doesn't follow me around as much anymore, but i'll just come in and find her sleeping in some random crevice behind my bed or on a shelf in my closet.

victor does this after he's misbehaved, so that we'll forget and go "aww"

emily, caught in a gaze. lol tongue.